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The six yard slam

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This morning started out at 2:00am when I awoke for no reason. I could fall back a sleep so I just stayed up, my alarm was set for 4:00am any way. At 4:30 I headed out the door to some ground I received permission to hunt on Friday. 77crew and I drove around it yesterday trying to spot some birds but no luck. My hopes were low but hey its opening morning.

At around 5:45 some honkers flew out and to my surprise a gobble came from the trees across the field. At 6:00 I started calling, he was on the ground but I couldn't tell if he was coming or going. A little later I see the white head at the tree line at least 250 yards away. Then I noticed three hens 50 yards to the north of the bird. With some calling he was working closer, with the occasional gobble and break into strut. He would every now and the stand strait up and look. Using my struttin 360 that jjohnson sold me I would make my strutter dance for him, turning it towards him then facing it away from him like Liv4rut said to do. A lot of thanks to every one on this site that gives help and info.

Finally he could not take it any more and headed for my decoy spread. He was at 20 yards when he came out of the corn stalks. I said to my self let him come. When he got to six yards I let the rage eat. Breaking his right wing and left hip he was going no where. I had my 2010 bird at 6:30am.

Beard 10 3/4
spurs 1 3/8
21lb 12oz


At 6:40 noticed two white heads coming across the corn field, OOOOOH why didnt I buy my second tag. Thank god it was only two jakes.


They hung around with plenty of chances for shots so I was kinda glad I didnt have a tag, I dont I could have restrained my self.


No need to brush the blind in:D

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