Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Tony Welch Buck



We've been waiting for this one to come in from our new friend and member Tony Welch.

He writes....

"Here is a buck that I harvested with bow on Nov.9th in Ringgold County Iowa. I was my stand for about an hour when I decided to try some rattling and see if anything responds. No more than 5 minutes later, I see this big buck 50yds
across the clearing from me. Right away I knew he was big enough for me and that if he kept coming down the trail, I would not hesitate to let the air out of him. He ends up cutting straight across the clearing right towards me and
then goes behind some brush. I get to full draw and sure enough he walks behind all the thick *&#! and is on his way to getting down wind of me. Then he stops,no shot-brush he is at 10yds directly downwind and I've been holding for what
seems forever. Finally he takes a few steps forward into a opening and I lethim have it. I went and got my buddy and we tracked him about 100yds, then we heard something go crashing off so we backed off for about another hour. When
we resumed tracking we found him just past where we left off. 167 3/4 total

Thanks for letting me share,Tony

Very nice buck, just goes to show that all the big boys aren't up in N.E. Iowa huh, Congratulations.
awesome buck tony. bring more pics if you have them, the next time you come to town. i'd put one on the brag board in the shop. stop by.... outdoors unlimited....
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