Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Trail Cam food blends

What do you guys like for 'baiting' your trail cam areas for photos? My buddy has ran trail cams for years so I took him to Bass Pro with me the other day. I didn't want to spend a lot so I got a big bag of corn and some liquid Deer Cane. He says the way he does it is mixes corn with some sort of powder supplement (forgot what he uses) and then pours some "Buck Jam" on it. The deer smell the sweet smell of the buck jam and then continue to come to the corn to eat it. So anyway, I'm going to put out cams and food at 2 different spots. I'm going to use 1/2 the corn at each spot and pour some of the Deer Cane in and around it.

What do you guys like to put out? Is there anything you can do to get more bucks to come to the food? Or is it basically just luck of the draw where if there's bucks in the area, then you'll get photos of them?
If minerals are legal by you they will draw deer from spring time until about September. Minerals will last a lot longer than any type of food that you put out.
Go to your local farm supply store buy a candy apple mineral block and put out some corn, nothing better than that combination in my opinion. Had over 700 pictures in just 6 days last year.
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