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Trail Cameras During the Gun Season


PMA Member
Just wondering what everyone is doing with their trail cams with the shotgun season approaching. Kind of hard to get pictures of deer with them running by at Mach 80, but I have mine set up facing down a trail, hoping to possibly catch some trespassers more than deer. With no snow on the ground, people will more than likely try to do a little "high steppin" and cross property lines thinking they will not get caught. Whats everyone else's plan?
yeah its funny when you catch up to them and ask them why they were trespassing and they say "wasn't me" and you show them how well they look in the photo! LMAO Then you introduce them to the local dnr officer who presents them with there award ticket for best photo lmao
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Tough choice. I'm leavin mine (1) out. Ya never know, BD2 could bite it.

I also have an old cam that died last year a couple of posts down the fence from my good camera. The dead cam is next to the trail that trespassers have used in the past. I hope to get a pic of a trespasser carrying away the dead cam.
Got a whole lot of cams high up on an angle that ain't getting spotted. If anyone's willing to put in just a little effort, they can keep their cams out and nail trespassers or the cruising buck all season with little chance of having a cam taken.
I made the mistake of leaving one out during shotgun season a few years ago, first season gun it was GONE! Wont make that mistake ever again.
I haven't ever had any problem with cams getting stolen so I just pull mine away from fence lines and leave them hang. However, I only run cams on one farm and the others areas I hunt I'm wary of putting a cam up at all. During the gun seasons I tend to get a few pics of big deer that I haven't seen before.
Mine spend gun season in the house... go back out for late muzz and to see when the bucks start dropping antler..
mine are all in the process of being taken down.. just in case. some around the home place stay out but otherwise I'd rather not run the risk of one turning up missing
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