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Trailcam Tip #3


Life Member
Right now the bucks are hitting the scrapes and rublines hard and each day, the activity is getting more and more intense. Trailcams are a great tool to see the bucks using your area, guess the age of the bucks and determining which areas are getting used the most. Below are a few tips I have used to get a lot of good pics yet providing a low impact pressure on my areas I am planning to hunt

When setting a cam over a scrape, try using a delay setting greater than 3 minutes. Some bucks will become alarmed by the flash and if it hits them a couple times in a few minutes, it may cause them to abandon the scrape.

Try setting the camera above a deers eye level and pointing downward toward the scrape or travel path. It seems from my experiences that deer are less bothered by a flash from above than one at eye level.

Be as scent free as possible when setting and checking the cam. Sloppy scent control can just educate the deer to your presence thus decreasing the usage of the area. Wear rubber boots if possible.

Try and find a scrape away from the immediate area you are planning to hunt in the event the flash has bothered the particular deer you are after. I try to find scrapes that are easy to get to without walking all thru my hunting area yet are getting used on a regular basis.

Lastly, check them weekly or sooner if possible as deer movement is increased at this time of the year and your film/memory may not last long due to the numerous visits.
thanks shredder for the post.i will be setting up my vcam on a scrape today and they are away from where i am hunting so i should be alright but the only thing that is bad is there is alot of moving branches by the scrape and on the tree where the cam will be set up.any suggestions i dont want to mess up my chances at this scrape.

Alex Hastings
if you can trim some of the branches out of the way, that would be great, however, too much may have an adverse effect on deer usage....just be sure NOT to trim the overhanging branch
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