Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


"Property Under 24 Hr. Video Survellance"
Just having a little fun.
Or how about the sign that reads "If you want to cross this field you had better be able to do it in 5.2 seconds, the bull can do it in 5.3"

Sorry splitg, I think you are probably looking for serious responses.
Speaking of Cameras. A friend of mine is in the industry and here is something cool.

My Brother-in-law has problems with an irrigation pump that he has to monitor all the time. the farm is 15 miles from his house. My buddy is setting up a camera system so he can monitor it's progress via video in his house, then, punch a code on the computer and turn the system to go another direction.

We were just considering the possibilites with his camera set up to monitor HUNTING ground. If you even thought there might be a problem in your area, you could have it video taped!

Pretty trippy stuff to, infared, night vision, all digital with several cameras. I can imagine that scouting would be cool to with this set up.
There is this property in MN called the MLO and they have survelance cameras on all the gates. They are hidden pretty good too. A friend and I were scouting the land next to this property and turned around in their driveway one day when he noticed the camera cable and then the lense hidden in the post it self.

One other time I was bow hunting elk in Idaho and came across a sign that said "No tresspassing, We shoot first and then if your still alive we'll ask the questions in the hospital"

We have a trail camera on our land and have caught two people on our land with it in Wisconsin. Infrared is the way to go....we have it located on a couple logging roads deep in the woods where there is some good deer movement, I guess good tresspasser movement as well..
Drove up in the parking lot very close to a Liqour/Sporting Goods Store in Flagstaff AZ one night after hours. Wanted to show my brother-in-law and nephews the elk mounts they had thru their window. A very loud voice says "BACK AWAY FROM THIS STORE NOW OR IMMEDIATE ACTION WILL BE TAKEN". The message was punctuated with the sound of a pump shotgun action loading and locking. Pretty impressive-we left immediately and all week long when we saw a cop, we alerted my brother-in-law that to the fact that they probably had videod his vehicle and his FACE and they were looking for him. Had a lot of fun with that one.
I hate to say this but I believe the only way to stop trespassers is to patrol the land. Of course we don't have time to do this but it's the only thing that works.
Thanks guys for the responses. But I think Big Timber is on the right track. The reason that I ask is, I have a pretty good piece of land that is close to one of our wonderful cities. But because of that, I always have eyes seeing the deer on the place. Which in return gives me a big headache! Trespassers, motorcycles, atv's, ect... But worst of all, a treestand thief! 5 portables, and 1 ladder stand. The cops won't do anything, and the local game warden really don't want any part of it. Great guy, but not his job to patrol my property. And I agree with that, but like Big Timber said, who has time to go out patrolling every night? I don't want something to turn confrontational, but what choice do you really have when it comes down to a flat out trespasser? And as a land owner, I've heard every story in the world for why they are there, but you just know that they are lieing right to your face. And that just seems to make you madder! Only time will tell how this will play out. But for now, I'll stick with my new permanant stands, with 12" gutter spikes holding them in.....
Your right Big Timber. It's sad to say. I just can't believe the amount of disregard for peoples property in Iowa and other states. I tell you, wen I'm on a new property i make sure the landowner clearly shows me where the boundries are so there is no question in my mind. I also like to meet the surrounding landowners so they recognize me and my vehicle. I once had permission to hunt a property in Illinois. The landowner knew me wel and I knew exactly where to park my truck. Well I had bought a new truck and took it to his property to hunt. I'm about an hour into a morning hunt, just when things are getting good. I hear some screaming from the direction of my truck and pretty soon i see the landowner coming down the path towards my tree. he screams at me that he can see me and to get out ofthe @!*% tree. so i get down, not until i was 10 feet from him did he realize it was me. he apologized and i was done hunting there. it was mostly my fault, i should have let him know about my new truck. i don't take any chances anymore.
A good friend of mine in LoVilla, IA, named Gary Kelderman has rigged up some cameras that work real well. He has shown me pictures of guys in front of his stands. There is no flash so the people don't even know that their picture is being taken. He brings them to the Sherrif and they get a ticket. I hope to have a couple rigged up this fall.
If you do catch any of these slobs, you have to prosecute. Most landowners don't want to go to the trouble but if you don't, you will not solve your problem. Once you send a couple of them to court for trespassing, the word travels fast and your problems will slow down. I don't think it will ever stop completely but you have to prosecute the ones you do catch. What a world this is becoming.
I agree with tracker. The private ground we hunt is only hunted with by two other guys with permission. We do all we can to help the landowner keep an eye on the place. We maintain the chains and locks on the gates, do the posting and take calls in the night if the landowner thinks somebody is out of place. Teamwork usually pays off.
Another benefit you can get by letting a trustable person hunt and watch your ground is that they would probably be willing to help pay and put out food plots which are very important in not only holding deer, but producing trophy bucks.It would only benefit both parties, make it easier to find sheds(which I have tough luck with) and produce top quality deer yearly.My next step is food plots this year on private property, if I had to buy ground this year, I couldn't afford the food plots also.Good Luck.
Sorry Biggest Buck, no longer in the Council Bluffs area. Moved when I bought this land by Iowa City. But thanks for the invite!
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