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Video of the Week


PMA Member
Video of the Week - Week 5 (11 weeks left)

Being that it gets a little slow this time of the year, we're putting together some old deer hunts (mostly does) that don't make the cut for the video (or if they do, they are only shown in bits and pieces) and using them to pass the time until October 1.

We're at 14 weeks and counting until October 1 - trail cams are picking up a little, but if you need some more entertainment, we'll have a new "video of the week" for you every Monday (or Sunday night).

Video of the Week
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Thanks Matt. Get video with the development of the plot and the first hunt, first bow harvest. 14 week seem like a long ways off right now.
Nice hunt. I watched the 2 doe hunt also. That dude made 2 smokin' shots on those does. Tucked those arrows right in behind the shoulders.
The Feller's come close to putting a nice buck down during early muzzy season and end up taking a big nanny just before dark.

Jordan's Muzzy Doe

Only 13 weeks left!
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Thoroughly enjoyed week #4 video. Those two did a great job. Thanks for sharing with us....helps pass the time until October.
Week #5 - 11 weeks left! Oh yeah...

Russ starts the weekend off by taking a doe and Jordan continues the success the next morning in the same stand when two does walk by.

Jordan and Russ' Triple

PS...we promise to have others on these videos. :D Russ and Jordan took down a PLETHORA of does!
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