Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

We finally had success...


New Member
We went out on Sat. morning and had two exciting hunts. Jdg83 was first up and after hearing gobbles all around us we finally decided to move towards a gobbling bird over a couple ridges. Once we came to ridge right before the bird, we army crawled to the top of the hill to try and find the gobbler. Jdg83 suddenly caught movement and I, being actually off to the side of the hill could see the bird. I kept calling as the big tom worked his way towards us. Then all the sudden I noticed a big white head and a fan above the grass right in front of me and sure enough that big tom was about 15 yards away. Jdg83 couldn't see it so I kept calling trying to coax him, and he got a point where Jon could see the head and neck. Jon brought his gun up real slow and then just leveled the old tom. He went straight to ground. About 22+ pounds or so, 1 or longer spurs, and his beard had rotted off so there was only about a 1/2 inch hanging there. We checked our watches, it was nine o'clock.

We quickly stashed the bird back in our Double Bull and headed off the opposite direction to try and fill a second tag. We set up in the area where two little roads came together on the topside of the woods. I had only been calling about 10 minutes at most and I looked out in front of me and a tom quickly walked across the opening to my left. I gave a couple sweet hen yelps and he walked behind a bush. A couple more yelps and he stepped right out in the opening, took two steps towards, and at about 35 yards I dropped him in his tracks. 21 pounds, 11 inch beard, 5/8 inch spurs. Needless to say, we were offically tagged out for the 2005 season. We took our birds at 9:00 am and then at 10:00 am.

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