Western Nebraska hunt.


New Member
Just got back from my first western Nebraska Merriam hunt. Hunting was tough with rain, wind, and snow. Birds were hen'd up bad and not responding to calls at all. We just had to sit and wait out birds and hope to get some flocks to walk by us. We ended up getting 4 toms out if one valley. My buddy ended up getting calling in one bird in a creek bottom and killing him. On the last day we ended up trying a different area and ended up calling in a pair of bird's and me and my buddy doubled up on them. For the 6 days we ended up with 7 toms and a great first Merriam hunt.


Love hunting out there and love hearing those goofy gobbles :grin: Congrats on some nice looking birds!!
Beautifull birds!! That is my dream turk!! One good Merry!!! :way: Don't know if I will get to it or not........glad you did!!!! Congrats!!!!:way::way: