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What has been bagged while bow hunting deer?

Where I hunt, you have to compete with the cows. There everywhere in the timber and all they do is piss you off. I've heard of people shooting cows with blunt tips to get rid of them. Does this really work? Or does it just piss them off?
I don't know if it works or not, but I too need something to work on cattle. Great subject, hopefully someone has something for us!
I have some comments about the cows. They suck to hunt with. My buddy and I deal with them every weekend. Initially, we tried throwing things at them, like sticks and stuff. Yeah, that almost caught there attention. Then I brought a sling shot with me with 3/8" hunting shot. Makes them jump a bit, but doesn't scare them off. Finally, my buddy got so irritated in the stand one day, he took the broadheads off of two arrows and shot two different cows. The first arrow bounced off the cow's rear. He looked around, looked at the arrow, and proceded to graze. The second one was aimed at taking some skin of the top of the cows back, which it did. I saw the chunk of skin and fur in the arrow's insert. The cow jumped straight up, then went back to grazing. From what we have experienced, there is nothing you can do. We also have problems when we walk to the stands in the morning. They stampede into the timber the minute they see something moving in the dark. Some days everything works out fine and we don't have problems, but there are other days when the cows are a complete nuisance. Sorry for the long winded reply, I am venting for two.
ill bet that farmer would love it if he knew you were shooting his cows with arrows....come on guy, use your noggin
The farmer won't mind, it just tenderizes em before they are in 10 oz pieces on your grill. And just what would you have done Jerad? Just sit back and enjoy the angus and herefords in their natural, peaceful state? Or go ask the farmer if you can please harass his livestock? And if you didn't understand Hadwin's message, the arrows shot at the cows were BLUNT. Not much difference than using a slingshot which seems to be PC. If you ever have cattle milling around under your tree during primetime you will understand.
yeah what about the part that said he took a chunk of hide and hair off of one of the cattle.....ever heard of infection?....how about not hunting where there are cattle..maybe taht would be an idea...i was just stating that i dont know one single farmer including myself that wouldnt mind you shooting their cows....blunt or not...which the arrowds didnt have...i think that an arrow with enough speed and the right diameter could actually puncture the skin of a cow....

can anyone else help me out here...i couldnt let this guy get away with it

bottom line....would you want someone shooting YOUR cattle?
I've hunted in areas with cattle during muzzleloader season and while it may suck, I don't think that it bothers the deer. Since cattle will stick together, it would be better to set up stands in two sites so that you could avoid them that shoot them.

Bottom line is that in my opinion, that's exactly the sort of thing that gives hutners a bad name. Most people I know of are glad to let others hunt, but if they knew they were harassing livestock that would end. If your entertainment interferes with his livlihood, then there is no question as to which overrules - especially when he owns the land. I don't like hunting in cattle and will avoid it if I can. I would fully expect that if I did damage to a cow, I would be financially liable.

The same goes for losing a broadhead in an open field - you'd better not give up the search too soon. A combine tire costs about $1000 - that's one grand - to replace, not counting down-time, which costs hundreds per day. If someone were to pick up one of my "lost" broadheads in a tractor or combine tire, I would have the decency to fess up and pay to get it fixed.

Showing respect for landowners is the cornerstone of our sport. Without them, we're all SOL.... my two cents.
Great reply on the subject of cattle.I think if we all had your mentality we would have alot more place's to hunt!!!
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