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what have you learned over the years.


Ok Guys I'm new to bow/deer hunting and I know by watching TV shows I can see adds and watch an arrow go through a deer. However I want to see and hear constructive things like what tactics you use during what times of the season anything that you wished you woul liked to know when you started hunting. I may be the only person on here that don't have a clue as some veterans might say, but maybee we can always learn something new.
well, hunt high in the morning and low in the evening. By hunting high, I like evergreen patches on hill sides and in the evenings I like moving to the river bottoms. It works out pretty well as the deer usually bed in a higher position that way they can over look the bottoms and spy if there is danger. As for river bottoms in the evening, deer have to eat and they will want to be around a food source and water (river and corn/beans) Hope that helps you out some. I am by far no professional either. Just what I have learned over the years of bow hunting.
Three very important things:
2. Keep movement in the stand to a min
3. midday movement in November is some great hunting
1. Never hunt a stand if the wind isn't to your advantage
2. Stay out of your best stands until the late pre- rut. Avoid the temptation to hunt your best stands too early
3. Hunt all day long during the rut
One of the biggest things IMO is to not rush your shot. That is a hard one to master, I know I still get cought up in the moment and have taken bad shots do to that. OH and try to be in the right place at the right time. If you can get that one down, you'll be the best bow hunter ever.
Get TONS of opinions and try EVERYTHING on your own. I truly believe MOST guys on here are pretty top notch as hunters BUT... In the general population- EVERYONE thinks they are a deer expert. In all reality, INCLUDING THE GUYS WRITING THE ARTICLES AND MAKING THE VIDEOS.... 10% really truly know what they are doing, the other 90% THINK they do BUT don't. The learning NEVER stops for EVERYONE but keep in mind, it's a select few that really have the consistency, knowledge and answers to be informing others correctly.
Patience, and don't rush a shot. I don't know how many times I've wanted to get out of stand, and have waited the extra bit of time and thats when the movement starts, or how many times I've gotten out of stand, only to find out via trailcam I should have stayed sitting longer.
Enjoy what your doing. Don't hold yourself to standards that take the fun out of it. And share it with friends and family. Also I think one of the biggest things that one can do is to learn to hold your composer. At least until after the shot, than let it go.
The deer will teach you something new every year!!:D Practice until the day you quit hunting! Realise every living thing killed with a bow and arrow is a trophy!! :way:
This was my first year with a bow and the biggest thing is patience. Stick it out and things will happen. Take in as much as you can from the good folks on here and just go out and try it all. I learned a ton this first year, not only on here but in the woods. Best advice; get out and hunt and enjoy every minute of it.
Don't hunt your favorite spots too early. That is some of the best advice I have heard in a long time, and has probably cost me some nice deer over the years.
Practice all that you can, and practice with your hunting clothes on.
If you are hunting out of a treestand practice from one.....and dont make all your pratice shots easy ones. Have high goals is great but enjoying what you are doing is the main goal.
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