Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what's up with this buck???


PMA Member
I think I had pics of this dude last year but he was no where near this bad. I figured dermititis or something...
Wasn't shedding season back in March? Oh wait, that's a different kind of shedding....;)
Not sure what that is but he looks healthy. I really like the second one! Wowzers.
Poor thing, his hide looks horrible, But His velvet seem's to be in the same drying stage, as I am seeing around here, His swollen lip area. would have me just a little bit concerned,
Second buck look's great,
I have some pics of one that looks similar w/ the dark and light patches. I'll try to post pics to see if you think they have the same coats.
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