Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Wonder why there are antihunters?

Doubleaarc hery

New Member
And some of these "hunters" are looked up to!!

I am not going to be political here, I think each one of the people involved in these hunts should have all priveldges revoked.

There are great hunters out there and great companies too, who promote our sport and defend our sport! But the Jack asses on these are horrible! This makes me cringe just to view a few of them and listen to the reasons why!

I just became about a million times more anti high fenced than I have ever been!

Shocking to me that there are places out there who can take an animal as wonderful as a whitetail, and use it as nothing more the a crutch to give them wealth!

To each there own, but IMO, this is Joke, and "hunts" like this should be banned! I think I am going to do more and more research on this stuff and start a list of companies and individuals to protest against! I know it will never make a difference but it will help me sleep and hopefully help my future children understand the difference between hunting and this CRAP! People like this are killing our sport to sell their ^*&&$&ing products to us!!

Sorry I could rant for hours!!

Anyways, if your like me, don't view these right before lunch!

B.S. Hunters!
Yep I have seen this one before.

There are a lot of people in this business
that try to take short cuts.
Thank goodness some of them get caught so that they have to pay the consequences.

Look at Troy Gentry. Why would you even want to say that you did something like that?

Makes absolutely no sense to me.
That's is so wrong on so many levels. What's rediculous is that not only are people setting up hunts like this but also dumb asses are paying for hunts like this- and they know what's going on too. Think what those guy's kids would think of that if they saw daddy shooting a drugged up deer.
I knew before I even clicked on it. I live about 30 minutes from that operation. Believe it or not but the legislature continues to revive the industry after we think it will be outlawed because these guys have a lot of money and donate to the politicians. I always turn the channel whenever Jimmy H comes on.
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