Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Worth a Read!

A lot of hunters in my area just want to take take take.

That's exactly right. Great article. I gotta think that 70, 80, 90% of folks out there, in my opinion, are just out for "ME" - whatever their reason or justification is, it boils down to "ME" and however it gets spun, the impact on anything or anyone else is not in the thought process.
That's exactly right. Great article. I gotta think that 70, 80, 90% of folks out there, in my opinion, are just out for "ME" - whatever their reason or justification is, it boils down to "ME" and however it gets spun, the impact on anything or anyone else is not in the thought process.


More guys need to read this article. I haven't shot a doe in three years for this reason, in hindsight I should have bought doe tags the last two years and just threw them away.
I read it last night and hadn't got a chance to post it.

Great article! And he's dead right in my opinion. Some guys don't care about the future of hunting, but hopefully there is enough of us to make a difference!
That's exactly right. Great article. I gotta think that 70, 80, 90% of folks out there, in my opinion, are just out for "ME" - whatever their reason or justification is, it boils down to "ME" and however it gets spun, the impact on anything or anyone else is not in the thought process.

Yep, and it goes 180 deg. too. Not saying you specifically, but pointing at "them" includes point at "us". "Me" equals "us".
I agree that we need to kill less does in most areas...as I believe most of you on IW regularly would also agree. The problem I have is that the same guys who preached herd management and buck to do ratios for years are NOW saying WHOA...stop killing does! I know EHD really compounded this "problem" BUT think this buck to do ratio and herd management sermon we were being fed for years is also a LARGE part in many areas. As the northern half of the state had much less EHD problems and deer numbers are horribly low in many areas. In my opinion this can be predominantly attributed to abundant tags and the "big" name hunters urging doe harvest. My next fear is that these areas where orange armies aren't having as much success with filling there tags with yearling bucks will switch there focus to tagging out with does and the population gets hurt even more???
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