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Next precip chance early next week. Can the crops hold on? The D-word will probably be all over the farm radio today. Did anyone get any sig-rain last nite?
Zero in northern Illinois. Seams from eastern Iowa all the way across northern illinois to northern indiana is where most of the rain keeps avoiding. Glad to see sw Iowa got some much needed rain. I had heard it was real bad out there
You lucky people in Albia,, that is just west of my land . Wonder why rainfall consistently drys up moving east? It did get late at nite,,which is when convection dies, and that happens alot,but consider yourself lucky. We had a drought end of last summer over here in SE Iowa. Now again. 2 and 4 inches,, that is only a dream,,as our crops curl.
I have relatives near Lamoni, and they had a beautiful green summer all last year, while I was burned up at exactly the same time.Think SW IA did pretty good last summer too.
Let me tell you, I had a swim meet in Eastern Nebraska today and it was HOT. I had a meet in Central Missouri and it was cold and rainy. It's different everywhere. Northern Iowa it was pouring.
Didn't notice anything down in MO,,but NE IA, had a narrow band this morn that blessed some. Overall though, ILL,MO,IND,Ark,the plains are baking. Looking at radar map of US,,only precip is that trop storm. Checking 8 to 14 day forecast, only two states expect above average chances for precip. That,,,is pretty DRY!
To me this drought is ongoing now for 1 year or since late june 2011, We have had about 15" here at my house for the last 52 weeks. Its only rained over an inch about 5 times the past year. I am amazed how well crops look given the sparse rain and sun and wind. The rains have been timely to say the least. The beans just eeked by.... Its a day by day week by week thing now.... I feel like farmers are walking a tight rope...
Yes and by what I read,, the heat and dry is only going to intensify! Kinda like it when nature reminds us who is in charge. Nature,,or GOD. Is a disaster just like a tornado, or Hurricane. Guess I wouldn't say I like it,,if my income depended on it,,or my airconditioner quit!
We lucked out and got 1.5" of rain 2 days ago.

My grandparents farm is 3 miles from me and they got 3/8" out of that same storm.

REALLY spotty showers and a guy 4 miles from me did not get any out of that last storm.
Farms are dry

To me this drought is ongoing now for 1 year or since late june 2011, We have had about 15" here at my house for the last 52 weeks. Its only rained over an inch about 5 times the past year. I am amazed how well crops look given the sparse rain and sun and wind. The rains have been timely to say the least. The beans just eeked by.... Its a day by day week by week thing now.... I feel like farmers are walking a tight rope...

15 inches in a year in Iowa is a definite drought! Amazing that the crops can withstand that, new seeds and farming practices really help!

I hope you get some soon, sounds like it is really dry on my farm south of DM?
Sorry to hear things are so dry down there.
Some parts of Sask are too wet and crops were unable to be seeded or drowned out, 15" in June is the report from some parts.
Got 5" on my land in Taylor county, WI last week. Duluth, MN got flooded out. Rivers are up and standing water in hay fields up here. Brother and bro-in-laws in NE Iowa are hanging in there with OK moisture.
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