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Harkin accepts money from the anti's

Old Buck

Life Member
This is directly from the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, December 2002, Newsletter that just came out.


"The animal rights movement has a political action committee, Humane USA PAC, that was created in 1999 to endorse and help fund campaigns for political candidates who support the animal rights agenda and to lobby for animal rights legislation. It is the official PAC of the Humane Society of the United States, Fund for Animals, Farm Sanctuary, Doris Day Animal Leauge, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Animal Welfare Institute and other anti-hunting groups."

Donations were given to 25 candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and 10 candidates to the U.S. Senate. The largest donation ($5,000) was given to Iowa Senator Tom Harkin.

Does this concern anyone on this website? I don't know all the groups in this PAC but at least some are very serious about putting hunters out of business.

Remember the picture of Senator Harkin 'hunting'. It came out just before the election. Kind of sheds a new light on the photo, don't you think? Who's side is he really on?
The most worthless thing in the world is a vote not cast. I hope everyone did their part and voted last November. Even though the results weren't what I (we) wanted at least I tried.

The 'Bonker
Do any of the rest of you remember the radio piece he did with the rooster cackling in the background stating how he would be in the field on opening day? What a joke. Why don't we trust our elected officails?
Not Surprised!

Thank you for posting Old Buck. I have to say, I am not surprised, when it comes to mr harkin, he will blow with whatever the Washington DC liberals want him to. And SHAME ON any of you that voted for him. I hate to say I told you so, but "I told you so!"
Hold on a minute Ol Buck! I normally respect the heck out of what you write but not on this one. Has Tom Harkin ever cast a vote against sportsmen; please reply if you know of such. Remember when Bob Dole ran for president and cashed checks from The American Anarchists society and so on. The money was later returned but the point is that if you take money from an organization it does not mean that you support their agenda. When you raise several million dollars in a campaign you take money from all sorts of groups, lots of them conflict with each other. Dont read to much into this donation. Harkin is too astute a politician to alienate a couple of hundred thousand hunters in his home state over 5 grand. If you stop and think about it a big part of these animal righters agenda is to stop livestock slaughter and modern farming methods, Do you think Harkin supports the abolishment of livestock farming? Ol Buck as a final note please dont climb on the party hunting slam wagon.
Look at any gun legislation proposed by the demmies and you'll see harkin's name on the supporter list.

Harkin is anti gun, whether for hunting or protecting your family.....period. You can bank on it, he does!!! with money from PAC's like this and Sarah Brady. He'll vote for anything to register, control or restrict guns, guns for any purpose.

His hunting photos are a gimmic. (I'm not saying Ganske's weren't either)

harkin has a personal agenda, that is to keep the democratic party happy so he can someday be a real candidate for president. He could care less about Iowa.

If hunting isn't related to guns, I don't know what would be.
Thanks Old Buck. I do not want to discuss politics but I will say that I have never been a Harkin fan but, I have to agree that he is too clever to take a chance like this on a $5000 donation. He wastes more money than that that on each his many, many vacations we pay for. There has to be more to the story. Maybe he is building a new house in Bermuda?

Good investigative work Old Buck! The NRA made comments in their magazine that more than a few Democrats with a history of voting against gun ownership rights all of the sudden acted like they were friends of sportsmen just prior t the last election. They know that gun control is a losing issue in all but the most liberal districts. You can also bet that Harkin knew exactly who he was accepting money from. Politicians screen their donations very carefully to avoid accepting money from a group that would alienate voters in their district.
Questioning Sam Sheperd,

Sam, it appears that you are rationalizing your support of tom harkin. As a sportsman I don't know how this is possible. You ask, if harkin has ever cast a vote against sportsman? Yes he has several times, the most hypocritical vote was his support of the semi-auto ban in the early 90's, and several weeks before the vote he was featured on a hunting show carrying a Benelli super 90, the same gun he voted to ban. He has supported several votes to close access to hunters on federal land out west. You compliment him on being an astute politician, I will agree that he is a successful politician, but in the worse sense. It is widely reported now in the main stream media that after the passing of sen wellstone of Minnesota, now harkin is the most liberal senator in Washington. I challenge you to show me a pro-hunting liberal?

If defending harkin on this websight justifies your support of him, so be it, however the intelligent pro-hunting members of this sight know the truth.

Shame on any Hunter or freedom loving individual who supports harkin and his liberal agenda

I just shake my head when people are surprised when a democrat is caught without their sheeps wool on.
Look at the party platform. A General like Harkin attacks when and where the Chiefs of Staff point. His attack is with his vote! The words and photo ops are smoke and mirrors to keep that old democrat base from yesteryear.
To think a top Democrat would vote pro gun! Thats just silly! Harkin knows who is buttering his bread and its not Iowa sportsmen. Its the DNC! Asking him to be pro gun is like asking a snake to walk. His words are chosen according to who is listening. His actions follow party lines. Why so many conservative people continue to support a party controlled by liberials is beyond me. I like the second ammendment. They want to get rid of it. They have nothing in their platform compelling enough to off set that fact.
I love it when old time democats get that cold bucket of water in the face when they figure out their party has been hyjacked buy socialists! Keep paying them taxes boys your leaders need to buy alots of votes from all those government program recipients.

Has a poor person ever offered you a job?
Why does Iowa keep sending this Lib back to Washington? Even if a person has no stand on hunters or gun rights, I couldn't think of one single reason why I would vote for him. I'm amazed this socialist keeps getting his job back representing Iowa. John F Kennedy must be rolling over in his grave................
Liberal democrats like Harkin and Robert Byrd of West Virginia get re-elected by their basically conservative constituents by bringing enough pork home to make them happy. Let's face it, far too many people vote not by their beliefs, but how much pork the elected representative brings home to them. Does Harkin really care that much about farmers in Iowa, or is he merely bringing home the pork to buy their votes? You decide!

My sentiments exactly. Somebody is obviously voting for him, mainly Iowa's urban areas and rural elderly. There is one exception when I would cast a vote for Harkin......if he was nominated to become Iowa's official state snake.
I will bet that less than half of the states sportsmen even voted....... I hope that I am wrong, well sort of....... if the majority of sportsmen did vote, then we have a REAL 'enemy'........ OURSELVES(uninformed sportsmen)
All Right this got it rolling! I can respect a person who has conviction in his beliefs ,even if I dont agree. I am a pro hunting liberal always have been always will be. I guess that I am not as sharp as some of you guys but..
1. I will not refer anyone as an idiot.
2. I will not slam goverment recipients if I
ever become one.
3. I will not support the right of any butt
reaming nazi to own a machine gun
that wants to.
4. I will keep hunting just like I have for
the past 40 years no matter who is in
Pro-Hunting Liberal?????

Sam, what are you talking about?
1. What does supporting a butt-reaming nazi have to do with harkin carrying a Benelli Super 90 shotgun (one of the most widely utilized shotguns by sportsmen and women) on one weekend for a photo shoot (to satisfy people like you) and then voting to ban the same weapon several weeks later?
2. What does slamming a government recipients have to do with anything, unless you are typical of most liberals and do not want to take responsibility for your own actions and rely on the government to house, feed, and clothe you.
3. Referring to someone as an idiot, well, if the shoe fits, if you’re proud to be a liberal, then the term "idiot" should not offend you because in most senses they are one in the same.
4. I hope you do have the opportunity to hunt regardless of who is in office, however, use your head man, if liberals ever do control any house of congress, our hunting rights will definitely be in jeopardy, just look to california, if you don't think it can happen.

Sam, it is individuals like you that scare me when it comes to this issue. Right now the liberals are regarded as the left wing fringe, more of an irritation than anything, however, if self proclaimed liberals like your self continue to spew your left wing agenda, on forums like this, there is a chance that your opinion carries some kind of influence or credibility with our younger more impressionable audience.

My concern is for my kids and their kids and so on, we must not continue to support candidates that do not support our pro-hunting stance.

I honestly cannot comprehend how anyone can support harkin; he is an embarrassment to the country, to the Midwest, to Iowans, and most of all, to the sportsman and sportswomen of Iowa. The fact that he has aligned himself with the left wing hollywood fringe, should be an aberration to each and every Iowan.

Hopefully you will see the light and realize that your views may not hurt yourself during your lifetime, however if you have children or grandchildren, realize that your views can and will keep them from participating in the most pleasurable pastime and American tradition of Hunting and Shooting.
I hate to get in a political shouting match but, you hit the nail on the head. "applause".
luvtohunt........ news flash......... Harkin wins election in Iowa... The Majority of Iowans support his policies or they would have voted for Ganske. Please no more warmed over Rush Limbaugh or Charlton Heston. I give up. I donate to Ducks Unlimited,Pheasants Forever,and The Wild Turkey Federation. I donate to the Red Cross, The Church,and the local school, and buy raffle tickets to any good cause that I come across. that is the liberal in me........You should know that not all conservatives are pro-hunting and pro gun. That being a liberal doesnt mean you are anti gun, anti hunting ,and pro animal rights. I feel that the sportsman vs.non sportsman issue is more a rural vs. urban issue than a liberal vs. conservative issue. Read the profiles of the pile ons after my first post you will understand my 2nd post.No more digs or slights from me. Best of luck Sam
Boy, I've been gone awhile. I've been around the block a few times, but I don't think I've ever been called a butt reaming nazi before!
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