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Harkin accepts money from the anti's


And it's a "pro-hunting" liberal that called us that. By the way, I think the phrase "pro hunting liberal" is in the dictionary under "oxymoron". No pun intended. Shepherd, I don't care if you were the president of the Pope and Young club, if you support the agendas of liberal politicians, YOU are the enemy. Your votes for Dems like Harkin do more harm than your affiliations with conservation groups help.
Getting some people to even consider switching political party is like asking a leopard to change its spots.
If you ask a liberal why they are liberal, they only accuse you of lacking compassion.
ie; it seems left wingers have cornered the market on giving to good causes like the church, schools and the Red Cross.
Thats just another example of of a liberal who thinks only liberals have compassion.
I believe in a hand up! not a hammock!
I wish I could say something good.
The man is a flaming liberal. I feel he will do
anything to futher his own interest. He is looking toward a presidential nomination.

The people of Iowa keep voting him in.
Somebody tell me why.
Just think of all those bleeding heart liberals who want us working stiffs to pay more tax dollars to support those who don't want to work and to support their liberal agendas. If people like Ted Kennedy, the Clintons, and all their Hollywood celebrity supporter really and truly believed in helping those less fortunate, then they would give away their fortunes and live a meager lifestyle and drive middle class cars and live in middleclass homes. What a bunch of hypocrites! They don't mind taking our money from us, but give very little of their own!
You only have to look as far as the Democrats party platforms to find they support many forms of gun control. Gun control and taking away peoples rights are done incrementally. A little bit at a time and no one will notice.

California is a prime example of what can happen when the liberals are in charge. You can't do anything! It's a mess. They are attempting to ban everything.

Look around the country at the assault on SUV's. That's not the conservative movement and thank God the Republicans are in the drivers seat after the last round of elections.

The people of this country ar repealing the ideology of the left and for good reason. The left stands for socialism and increasing government. They presently are fooling very few as more Americans become informed.

I know, Clinton enjoyed a robust economy during his term but name one economic policy he implemented to bolster the economy? Raised the gas tax, yes. Increased taxes on senior citizens, yes. I would say these increased tax didn't help.

Enough of the soap box.
I read the profiles of all the respondants and still don't understand your reply. "A hand up, not a hammock"! I love it!!!! Maggs.
Old Buck, you definitely know how to heat-m-up. Senator Harkin is guilty by association and by his actions, what more do you need?
Harkin an astute politician? If one studies his voting history one will find he is inconsistant on MANY critical issues. Harkin is, if anything, an astute liar.

However, in defense of Harkin, I too would accept money from the anti's. I could use a few more tree stands.
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