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i think i found a democrat to vote for

I'm not a Christian. I must be bad for society. Lol

I also believe in the death penalty and tougher sentences in general.
I could care less if someone is gay.
I believe people on welfare should be forced to take food stamps and other papers for clothing etc instead of getting cash.
I'm happy with our health care system as is.
I wouldn't be sad if my union disappeared.
I'm on the fence about gun control issues.
I think too much entitlement exists.
I think the education system in na should look to Finland for ideas.
I don't believe my culture to be better than anyone else's.
I dislike that our govt is more interested in giant corporate money than the environment.

Honestly, where would I fit there?

This I find interesting, when we talk with Canadians;
Most are not satisfied with the health care and many of the wealthier citizens travel to the US for care.
Most dislike the strict gun laws.
Most think the environmental/game/fish laws are too strict.
Most think the taxes are too high.
Most think the laws are overall too strict, i.e. an OWI in the US is a felony in Canada which meant an economic loss in less tourist able to visit.

Not sure why all the negativity about the US or Canadian education system, could they be improved, possibly. North America is the most productive, technologically advanced, largest economic engine of any continent in the world. Not bad for a bunch of under educated brats. Again just a few sentiments we get when talking with Canadians.
This I find interesting, when we talk with Canadians;
Most are not satisfied with the health care and many of the wealthier citizens travel to the US for care.
Most dislike the strict gun laws.
Most think the environmental/game/fish laws are too strict.
Most think the taxes are too high.
Most think the laws are overall too strict, i.e. an OWI in the US is a felony in Canada which meant an economic loss in less tourist able to visit.

Not sure why all the negativity about the US or Canadian education system, could they be improved, possibly. North America is the most productive, technologically advanced, largest economic engine of any continent in the world. Not bad for a bunch of under educated brats. Again just a few sentiments we get when talking with Canadians.
I'm confused about which Canadians you're talking too. Are the comments you just made in reference to Saskguys statement?
Because that's not how I understood him.
Mike 311,

You're correct that some of the wealthy travel to the us. The majority are not wealthy and are content to wait a few weeks before beginning treatment for cancer or a hip replacement etc. I'm not wealthy and am grateful for what I have.
The long gun registry wasn't popular but it no longer exists. I don't know anyone personally who feels they are too strict. Yeah, I can't own a handgun but don't really see the need to, again, I don't know anyone ppersonally who feels otherwise.
Our game laws are a joke. I could have twenty walleye too many and may pay a couple hundred bucks. A 200" whitetail would cost me a grand or two. I'd like to know who thinks those are too steep, fish pigs and poachers that's who.
Some laws are too strict others not enough.
Taxes are high but they have to be, we have 35 million people and more land mass to worry about than you. It costs money.

I'd like to know what part of Canada the peoplel you speak of are from. I'm from a far more conservative area than Ontario.

Lots of retired folk sure like the cheap houses they can buy I'm Phoenix or Texas though and like the cheap beer they get while escaping winter.

All in all, I'm proud of the kids and people or education system produces.
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I think he might be referring the the hassles Americans can face regarding getting wildlife and weapons across the borders.

As for the handguns, I didn't know owning them in Canada was an issue. I can say its nice to be able to secure the proper permits and carry if you choose down here.
Not a big deal. All Senators and Representatives take an oath of office to support the Constitution. If they were not defending the Constitution...that would be a big deal. They all run pro-gun to some degree at election time.

The big deal is not necessarily that a democrat is supporting this.

The big deal is that right now Iowa has a law that says my 9 year old son can't shoot my handguns. EVEN IF I'M WITH HIM!

That's the issue I think needs addressed. I don't care what party fixes it.
Can you cite any specific liberal politicians or even any laws that were introduced by liberals that have done that? Even if you can't produce any evidence, what end do you think they are trying to achieve by destroying this country?
At the last Democratic convention they voted to take God out of their platform. It was brought up again and the voice vote overwhelmingly was still against it but, the moderator overturned it so the word God is still in the platform.
Can somebody explain to me how they can be against the death penalty but, pro abortion?

One million babies are killed a year by abortion in the US. By far, the anti death penalty people in congress people are pro abortion.

Take it further. Any of you heard of the Petit family in Connecticut? A doctor and his family were accosted by two thugs. One from Russia. They rape the daughters and mother. Pour gasoline on them and light the house on fire. The doctor escaped alive. His wife and kids burned alive. The thugs got caught. Ct had the death penalty. If two people deserved to die it was these two thugs. Do you know what the democratic legislature did? They repealed the death penalty. Again, they'd rather have scum live but, not give a baby a chance to live.

Read about the Petit murders here and tell me how the Ct legislators could do away with the death penalty but, still allow abortions?

Remember what the president said about Sandy Hook? If gun control could save one life. Well they're killing a million innocent babies a year.
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I would like us all to agree the first step is to set term limits.
I think we should demand term limits or vote them all out.
My brother is a school teacher, has a masters degree, and is to far left in my opinion.
My dad on the other hand is more like me but in my opinion has went to far right.
I think the divide has gotten to far apart in this country.
I don't have the answers, and to be honest the funniest thing I hear is republicans saying we need to cut the fat, but as soon as that fat is in their areas they throw a huge fit.
If democrats want to give out free money to people who need it, that's fine but to many people screw the system. So I think piss tests should be mandatory if you want welfare.
With technology today maybe we should ditch all parties and make every vote count.
We are $20 trillion in debt (or will be shortly after this administration is done.)
For those who want to provide more for the poor, and provide open borders for more illegals to come to this country, what are you willing to give up? What are you willing to provide so that you can help pay for these expenses?
There has been roughly $17 trillion spent on the war on poverty that started in the 1960s. We are currently about $17 trillion in debt. The wealth of all the billionaires and millionaires in this country is about $4 trillion. You're going to need to give up quite about. So what are you giving ?
I support a woman's right to choose.

I have to play devils advocate here.

At what point does that decision need to be revoked? 12 weeks, 20 weeks, 38 weeks, a week after birth?

Why when talking about a 28 week old fetus, it is ok to abort, but if the woman is killed in a car wreck on the way to the abortion clinic by a drunk driver, why is the driver charged with 2 manslaughters?

If the woman does not want the child, yet the father does, is it fair to the father that the woman has the final say? Did she do that on her own, or was there a male needed? (there is a case of this going on right now down here.)

At what point do we make people realize that there are consequences within their actions, and not just a doctor visit to undo where they "screwed up"?

There are certain times when the woman's choice is her choice, rape, incest, life threatening, but as a society do we just 'throw out the trash' when we mess up, kind of a reset button so to speak? Are we not responsible enough to protect our self from this happening? I am married with 2 children, we knew when both were to come into the world (knew at conception), yet have avoided having another, and I have been with the same woman for a long time. Maybe I'm just too responsible....

Anyways, back to the topic, I think that all the house and senate need a good cleansing, let some new people in, and see where it leads. Too many people have made a career out of politics, and none of them have "fear" of being voted out. None of them work for the people anymore, no R, no D, they are in it for their self and money. When was the last time a politician did something with the majority in mind?
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Brian, you pose some good questions and I won't claim to have all of the answers. I don't have the answer on when the decision need to be revoked. I don't know what things are like in the US but I know in Canada they vary from province to province ranging from 12-24 weeks.

I can't comment on the 28 week old scenario for I am not a law maker but I believe one wouldn't legally be aborting a 28 week old fetus here.

I understand what you are saying about undoing where they "screwed up". I'll play devil's advocate on that one and ask you to ponder the fact that crime rates are far higher for foster children than ones like your two kids. So in a nutshell, a lady isn't able to undo her screw up, can't or is unwilling to raise the child and the end result is an unwanted child that hurts someone like your kids, or mine.

We could also spin this into, the well "they could be adopted" argument. This one is a thought I've pondered a lot since I was tossed right into the middle of a brutal double homicide last year committed by a foster child and an adopted son. Adoptees are 15 times more likely to kill one or both parents than biological children. The numbers are one's I've learned through counselling and research since that unfortunate incident that will forever shape my life.

We could go round and round and never convince each other I am sure. I've made my mind up as have you.

Heck, maybe it is education, or lack of at the end of the day that leads to so many unwanted pregnancies. The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates anywhere out of well developed nations, with the highest state, Mississippi, having an "abstinence only" as the state standard for sex ed., which isn't mandatory. New Hampshire has the lowest rate and it requires comprehensive sex ed. that includes abstinence and information about condoms and contraception. A weird coincidence? I think not.

Maybe at the end of the day, the abortion issue wouldn't be such a big deal if folks weren't so unafraid to accept that kids are going to have sex and that there are things they can do to prevent having babies. I still support a woman's right to choose, but even more so support kids learning about sex in school and having access to things and ideas that prevent pregnancy.

I agree with you take on gov't,.. too many people, making big money without doing much to represent the people that put them there. I'm losing faith in politics in general.
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I respect your replies on abortion and I can almost accept that but, then the majority of people in the US that support aborting a fetus/baby will go out of their way to fight the death penalty on scum that deserves it. They use the theory if they can save one life. Meanwhile they support killing/ending over one million lives each year. You've got to admit their hypocrisy there? Don't you?
NH, I cannot speak for people in the US as I really don't have the facts to support or rebut what you say regarding that the majority who support abortion will fight the death penalty. I guess there is some form of hypocrisy for sure if that is true and they believe life begins at conception.

I'm not sure it is simple as black and white when it comes down to abortion ending lives as there is no scientific consensus as to when life begins. It is a matter of philosophic opinion or religious belief. What I say is, you may not agree with or vice versa. Neither is right, neither is wrong.
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I respect your replies on abortion and I can almost accept that but, then the majority of people in the US that support aborting a fetus/baby will go out of their way to fight the death penalty on scum that deserves it. They use the theory if they can save one life. Meanwhile they support killing/ending over one million lives each year. You've got to admit their hypocrisy there? Don't you?

Nope. And I'll tell you why. But before I do you need to understand I am not in favor of abortion. Parties who have abortions know exactly what they are doing. They know before hand what the outcome will be before it is committed.

Now, as for the death penalty (which I support 100% and think we need to apply to white collar criminals who steal over 50k), there have been 144 people exonerated from death row since 1973. Meaning they were not guilty of what they were accused of. Because we cannot be certain of the guilt of some parties, the death sentence is opposed in these cases.
Unless, you think it's ok to kill innocents as long as we get the bad guys too?
Nope. And I'll tell you why. But before I do you need to understand I am not in favor of abortion. Parties who have abortions know exactly what they are doing. They know before hand what the outcome will be before it is committed.

Now, as for the death penalty (which I support 100% and think we need to apply to white collar criminals who steal over 50k), there have been 144 people exonerated from death row since 1973. Meaning they were not guilty of what they were accused of. Because we cannot be certain of the guilt of some parties, the death sentence is opposed in these cases.
Unless, you think it's ok to kill innocents as long as we get the bad guys too?

See , there's been 56 million innocent babies killed since Roe vs Wade. They never got their day in court. In fact there were 2500+/- killed today. So that 144 number doesn't even come close. You can't have it both ways. The facts are that most babies that are aborted would have been born. We're talking 56 million people killed. Not even close.
No, we are talking about killing innocents.

You didn't answer the question. I said there were innocent people being killed on death row. Are you ok with this?
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