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Iowa House OKs Crossbow Hunting


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Article from the Whitetail Journal:

Iowa House OKs crossbow deer hunting for residents

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa House approved a measure to expand crossbow hunting of deer by allowing residents to use crossbows during the late hunting season, from Dec. 17 to Jan. 10.

They would not be required to purchase a separate crossbow hunting license.

Under current law, only muzzleloader and archery hunters can hunt deer during that season. But a physically disabled person incapable of shooting a bow and arrow can get a special crossbow license to hunt deer and turkey.

Rep. Scott Ourth, D-Ackworth, said the bill was a good one that expanded opportunities for people who want to hunt and wish to use crossbows.

“We've had no pushback from hunters groups,'' he said.

Bill Harrison, vice president of Southwest Iowa Bow Hunters, said that although his group's 100 members mostly do archery, some would do crossbow hunting if the law passed.

“Everybody thinks crossbows `ought to be allowed during gun season,'' he said, adding that a crossbow is like a “glorified gun.'' “I think (the law) would be something people would bite onto.''

The House passed the bill unanimously and sent it to the Senate.

Kevin Baskins, spokesman for the Department of Natural Resources, said he wouldn't expect an increase in crossbow hunters to significantly reduce the state's deer population.
I think this is a good way to test it out. Those that are really hardcore and want to crossbow hunt at least have an avenue to do so.
That is a good start, but I would not use one over a ML. I wish the first 15 days of archery season would be cross bow season, only for the fact of getting my wife and kids out and using one. I will stick to the compound bow until I can no longer use it. Then by golly I'll be making the switch.
I think the only way people will really use crossbows in numbers is if it ever gets into the regular bow season. I can't see too many people using a crossbow over a ML durin late muzz. I couldn't see too many people using an Xbow during regular gun season either.
IMHO.. this is the best way to test the waters. I'll promise you, anyone who goes out with a bow during the late split knows how brutal it can be... and there aren't many that will do it if they aren't serious about deer hunting. There wont be many rookies out there when its 5deg with a -20 windchill....that's hard enough on us gun hunters, and I'll be the first to tell you, I will not hunt when its that cold with a bow unless I have a buck patterened.. with a gun, you betcha! I'm huntin no matter what!:)

I might even go buy a cross bow just to say I've done it once. I'll just have to save an Antlerless tag so I have a deer to use it on:)

I see it as an opportunity. If it goes over well, then keep it.
I think the only way people will really use crossbows in numbers is if it ever gets into the regular bow season. I can't see too many people using a crossbow over a ML durin late muzz. I couldn't see too many people using an Xbow during regular gun season either.

I thought the same thing when they started allowing handguns. Why would anyone use a handgun over a muzzleloader? Well, the answer is quite simple... it is fun and it is challenging. I think the same might apply to Xbows for some people. Now to pick it over a bow if it were to ever be made legal during bow season? That I would not understand. For me anyhow... not unless I had too, in which case I would.
150 Class said:
I thought the same thing when they started allowing handguns. Why would anyone use a handgun over a muzzleloader? Well, the answer is quite simple... it is fun and it is challenging. I think the same might apply to Xbows for some people..

I fall in that boat. Plus see it as a chance to get younger hunters into bowhunting before they can draw enough weight to hunt with a vertical bow.

That is a good start, but I would not use one over a ML. I wish the first 15 days of archery season would be cross bow season, only for the fact of getting my wife and kids out and using one. I will stick to the compound bow until I can no longer use it. Then by golly I'll be making the switch.

I agree. I would have thought that they would have proposed them to be used during early muzzleloader season rather than late. I just hope they don't open the whole archery season to it. The woods are crowded enough right now.
What I do not understand is, now that many ststes allow them, for all of Archery Season, what rationale do Non-use states serve up for keeping them out?. There has been the same out-cry, and hate thrown at these weapons, in all the former non-use states.Michigan is a good example. When they were legalized for Handicapped, you had to see two MD's, plus be examined by a physical Therapist. The anti-crossbow groups demanded this. Eventually, they were legalized for all. Kinda crazy."The woods are crowded enough?" I thot we needed more hunters?
It may just be my personal experience, but even though hunter numbers (in general) may be declining, the number of archery hunters has taken a major increase in the recent years.

I have nothing against crossbows. I just hope they keep a somewhat limited season for them. I feel that if allowed during the entire bow season, every shotgun hunter with an extra $800 in his pocket will now flood the archery season with a crossbow. Finding ground to bow hunt that doesn't already have someone on it is becoming more and more difficult.
I feel crossbows will add to this difficulty. Other than that, I don't mind one bit if they are allowed.
Iowa has a ways to go, to become crowded. Where I moved from there were 800,000 gun hunters and 400,000 bow hunters! I agree though, I know many shotgun converts to bow. But that's the way it goes, more of everything. What bothers me is how much farmland and open land keeps turning into more Suburbs and Malls. SAD:(
Call me different, but I'm not a supporter of cross-bow hunting during the bow season, and this is just another step closer. Bows are bows, cross bows aren't! It is a direct reflection of the seriousness and time people put into preparing before the season.

For disabled hunters, I'm all for it. Not for healthy guys to just kill another buck each year, or try to anyway. It's getting hard enough to access ground, geezzz..... this would not be fun....
We ran the same thing here in Indiana, late season only. Three years later it is for any season, easy way to slide it into the bow season, which to me isn't a great thing. If it gets youngsters into the sport I would be in favor and have no problem with it being used by those who can no longer use a bow. But for everyone to be using a crossbow I am not in favor of. Just my thoughts, and I am sure Iowa will begin to push the crossbow in all seasons soon.

Looks like I need to start picking up land from the surrounding farmers now. Already have 7 bowhunters in a 2 sq mile area. I can bet it will increase with crossbows being allowed in the near future.
Agreed, there would be more hunters in early bow season if crossbows are allowed. How many? Anyone's guess. But I know a couple of people who would gladly go out during the mild temps of October/November over December shotgun if allowed to use a crossbow. Especially when they know they could then hunt the rut with an easy switch to crossbow. But another point brought up on a different thread...some gun hunters may decide to switch to crossbow but then not hunt during the gun season for many different reasons (i.e. only want to shoot one deer, don't need the meat, can't afford the cost of another tag or mounting the antlers/head of another buck, spouse won't let them, etc). But for those who can/want to hunt both, they will.
The way I read the article it says "Late Season". So does this mean guys with muzzle and/or archery tags can use a crossbow during the late season?
Maybe you like the new regs, maybe you don't but.... We are continually passing all sorts of new laws thinking Iowa's deer herd & the hunting here is broken.... You may like this one BUT it's just a matter of time before all these politicians continue to do more to change the face of Iowa. It's like any situation really - law makers jobs are of course- making laws & coming up with all sorts of garbage to put through. "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" - you all better hope these guys are slowed WAY DOWN on all the new regs that get proposed every year. Just like Politics in general and the general direction of the country, I don't have an optimistic view right now with law makers, our direction and the garbage I bet we'll see in the next few years. I'm an optimistic person but I've extremely pessimistic when it comes to all these new laws, politicians and how fragile our Iowa hunting situation is.
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