Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Learn me on this flasher stuff

If You get a chance to compare the the marcum and the vexilar side by side.
I know you would choose the marcum. They are unreal!!! Find one to test out and you will not be at all disappointed.

You should be able to pick up an lx- 3 for under 400 on ebay. Nothing compares to the lx-5 though.
Limb, if you're planning to take your son out ice fishing with this thing, my advice is to get TWO /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif He's going to enjoy it so much that you'll never get to use it...at least that's my experience. We added an underwater camera to the gear list this year, and that has entertained the boy enough for me to get the flasher back in my hole once in awhile. By the way, these things are useful for open water fishing too.

As I mentioned on another thread, the FM site pretty much always has used ice fishing gear for sale. Think I saw at least 2 used flashers advertised there recently.


P.S. Mud...that picture is a real knee slapper /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
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