Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

LOT tags

Agree with you.

This whole thing stemmed from a comment that a coworker said about confronting his non-hunting landowner (who lets him hunt for free) with a cheese-whiz lease agreement for like $1 just so he could be considered a tenant and get that extra tag in the hopes of shooting two bucks during archery season.

Bending the rules? Oh yeah.
Breaking them? Maybe not.

I told him to just get a gun tag for buck#2, but he has no interest in gun hunting, or using his bow in the late season at all for that matter. IDK if he was just flapping his jaw or what, but it got me wondering about the legality of it.

Bingo.... It's a joke
I got a call a few years ago from a DNR person asking if I had bought a lot tag and if so there records indicated that I wasnt eligible. I told her this wasn't correct as at that point I owned 5 seperate farms. She was very helpful and found my name was misspelled in the lot registration. I then had her go through all of the property's and was considered as legal status on all of them. One thing I did learn is if the property that you register with tax#. Is in an LLC then you are only allowed to hunt. Land owned by that LLC but if registered and used a parcel that you owned as an individual that would let me be legal on any thing that I had ownership in or was listed as the farm operator on. Very confusing system to be sure. In reference to the OP if you are the actual owner of the land then I think the landowner tag would be legal in all instances.
I'll be damn** did not know that. Any woodchuck I see is going down next spring.

Separate question....We do not have farm ponds in most of MN, so I am not sure on this.

Same fish limits apply on your farm pond as on lakes, rivers etc...? Not that I plan on fishing my pond much, but I am just curious?

All hunting and fishing regulations are the same as imposed by the state. Seasons, limits, etc. are enforced the same. Example is daily limit of 25 bluegill on inland lakes, but no limit on private water. The only exception is the landowner is not required to purchase a license for his own land. I like many landowners fish and hunt outside of my farm; so I buy a yearly license anyway.
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