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Rep. Paul Ryan VP?

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Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.
Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.

I'm loaded!!:rolleyes: so is President Obama, former president Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and many many others in public office. Whats your point? :confused:

G.W. lost his way in his last term, he caved to the liberal congress.
Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.

I guess if you are gonna continue to look at the past you better throw Clinton under that bus too, this mess wouldn't be 1/4 as bad if he didn't but the pressure on Fannie and Freddie to losen the requirements and expand loans to those who couldn't afford them.

Come on, time to quite blaming everyone else, put the big boy pants on and take responsibility for your actions.

I for one am sick of 4 straight years of unemployment > 8% (11% if you actually look at the labor force numbers from when Obama took over as Pres, those are actually people who just said screw it and quit looking for jobs so we don't count them anymore. Oh and this is the only way that Obama has been able to pitch that unemployment rates are getting better, give me a break.)

I am tired a president that not only allows people to abuse the uneployment benefits but actually promotes it, actually allowing people to take 20months of benefits instead of 6. I am all for the system for people who are in a bad spot, because I realize bad things happen to good people. But at the same rate, those aren't the people who are taking 20 months of benefits, those are the people who will do whatever they can to provide for their families.

I am tired of a president who goes after the things in this country that are actually a success. His medical care reform will be brutal on medical device companies. I have seen this affect my personal compnay, we are taking a major hit to R&D expenses and have put on hold a plan that would have put new plants in struggling regions to help bolster these communities. I guess that way he can just eliminate the jobs before they are actually there.

Give him 4 more years, and you will see 4 more years of bailouts, increased defecit, increased spending with no solutions, no military focus in the areas where even he said we needed it the most but he hasn't touched (Iran). You want to give your hard earned money to everyone else, give him 4 more years.
Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.

Really? Have you even looked at Ryan and Mit's tax plan? Looks like it is just what we need to get things on top again. Both are not scared to stand up for what they feel is right.

But, if you love the big government and big spending, putting 2nd Amendment rights on the line, want to treaty with foriegn countries, live under a socialized health care plan that benefits those who do not pay in, continue the handout's to people who don't want to work, have 4 more years of blaming their problems on someone else, then you are correct!! Obama is the answer!!!
President Obama

Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.

You are a hunter and you want Obama another 4 years? The word is out that he has held back on gun control until he gets re-elected (if he does) no concerns on that issue?

There have been many comments made by Obama and his wife that would make you seriously question his motives?

Such as "for the first time in my adult lifetime I am proud of my country" 2008---Michelle Obama

2012---Speaking (whispering) to Russian president Dmitry Medvedev regarding missile defense
"This is my last election, after my election I have more flexibility"

I seriously think he has a major agenda that he has not revealed yet. I don't trust the guy or his sidekick (Biden)
Please vote this November 6th. This is the most important election in my lifetime and it may be the most important ever!!!

Romney wasnt perfect by any means but the guy is a smart and successful businessman that knows how to get things done. Adding Ryan to the ticket is just another great business decision. Ryan is as sharp as they come on the financial situation our country is in.

It's time to take responsibility for our actions in the past (on both sides) not blame the last guy or the last administration and push the tough decisions for the guy 10 years down the road.

I'm sick, SICK, SICK of watching people work the system and sit around all day, year after year spitting out kids while my wife and I and many others work to pay for their gaming systems, smart phones and whatever else they sponge of us. Welfare breeds welfare, generation after generation of government leaches. Oh and by the way that is exactly what Obama and others like him want. The more people dependent on Government means the more people vote for the NEW democrat party or should I say socialist party.

Romney/Ryan 2012
I hope we aren't to the point where the inept socialist wins an election because the other guy is too rich. If Obama wins this election, they probably won't even bother having one in four years, if the country is still around.
Well guys if Romney/Ryan wins Iowa and Wisconsin, they will probably win the election. I'm from MN, and that would be another major swing state. Get the word out, it is going to be very close in Iowa!
Are all of you on this site millionaires or something? I know im not rich enough to vote for good old mit. Every one is mad because Obama had to pick up the pieces from the last dumb republican that was on office. Obama 4 more years.

Can't blame Bush for any of these!
Just a reminder.

*If any other of our presidents had criticized
a state law that he admitted he never even read,
would you think that he is just an
ignorant hothead? *

*If any other of our presidents joined the
country of Mexico and sued a state in
the United States to force that state
to continue to allow illegal immigration,
would you question his patriotism
and wonder whose side he was on? *

*If any other of our presidents had pronounced
the Marine Corps like Marine Corpse,
would you think him an idiot? *

*If any other of our presidents had put 87,000
workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling
on companies that have one of the
best safety records of any industry
because one foreign company had an accident,
would you have agreed? *

Ummm, don't forget that he blocked the Keystone pipeline which cost thousands of jobs as well as possibly losing a substantial amount of oil from a reliable friend which can be delivered much more economically by pipeline than by tankers.

*If any other of our presidents had used
a forged document
as the basis of the moratorium that would
render 87000 American workers
unemployed would you support him? *

*If any other of our presidents had been the
first President to need a Teleprompter
installed to be able to get through
a press conference, would you have
laughed and said this is more proof of how inept
he is on his own and is really controlled
by smarter men
behind the scenes? *

*If any other of our presidents had spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars
to take his First Lady to a play in NYC,
would you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had reduced
your retirement plan holdings
of GM stock by 90% and given the
unions a majority stake in GM,
Oh, but I forgot, "He saved the US auto industry"
would you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had made a joke
at the expense of the Special Olympics,would you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had given
Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive
and incorrectly formatted DVDs,
when Gordon Brown had given him
a thoughtful and historically significant gift,
would you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had given
the Queen of England
an iPod containing videos of his speeches,
would you have thought it
a proud moment for America ? *

*If any other of our presidents had
bowed to the King of Saudi Arabiawould you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had
visited Austria and made reference
to the nonexistent "Austrian language,"
would you have brushed it off
as a minor slip? *

*If any other of our presidents had filled his
cabinet and circle of advisers
with people who cannot seem to keep
current in their income taxes,
would you have approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had stated that
there were 57 states
in the United States , wouldn't you have
had second thoughts
about his capabilities? *

*If any other of our presidents would have
flown all the way to Denmark
to make a five minute speech about how the
Olympics would benefit him
walking out his front door in his home town,
would you not have thought he was a
self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk. *

*If any other of our presidents had been
so Spanish illiterate as to refer to
"Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador
when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo),
and continued to flub it when he tried again,
wouldn't you have winced in embarrassment? *

*If any other of our presidents had burned
9,000 gallons of jet fuel
to go plant a single tree on Earth Day,
would you have concluded
he's a hypocrite?*

*If any other of our presidents'
administrations had okayed
Air Force One flying low over millions
of people followed by a jet fighter
in downtown Manhattan causing
widespread panic,
would you have wondered whether they
actually get what happened on 9-11? *

*If any other of our presidents had failed to
send relief aid to flood victims
throughout the Midwest with more people killed
or made homeless than in New Orleans ,
would you want it made
into a major ongoing political issue with
claims of racism and incompetence? *

*If any other of our presidents had created
the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him,
bypassing the House and Senate
on much of what is happening in America ,
We won't mention the high percentage who have marxist ties/backgrounds.
would you have ever approved? *

*If any other of our presidents had
ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation,
even though he had no constitutional authority to do so,
would you have approved? *

*So, tell me again,
what is it about Obama that makes
him so brilliant and impressive? *

*Can't think of anything?
Better hurry,
He's done all this in 34 months
so you dont have that much time to
come up with an answer.*

Every bumble is a matter of record
and completely verifiable. *



*"All it takes for evil to triumph
is..........for good people to do nothing."*
Well guys if Romney/Ryan wins Iowa and Wisconsin, they will probably win the election. I'm from MN, and that would be another major swing state. Get the word out, it is going to be very close in Iowa!

I'm not sure it will be as close as the media makes people believe. The TRUE democrats are now seeing Obama for what he is (please go back in time and see what a true democrat is). I think there is alot of well maybe's out there, but once the person is inside the voting booth by theirself, they will probably vote for whom they see fit, but if Obama doens't win, they can always say they voted ;)
You guys are right on the money about Mit and Ryan. I believe the upper one percent are the job creators. Its not their fault the jobs they create are over seas, that's just good business sense. I mean why send billions over seas in government loans when we can send them jobs instead? I for one am tired of government handouts. Now, if that means I have to pay a little more in taxes to have a republican in office then so be it.
Don't you democrats watch tv? ( I know you do because some one overseas has your job) its not the wealthy peoples' fault they have money. And as such they shouldn't have to pay higher taxes. Taxes are for working people since they aren't job creators.
Now as a working man with a household income of less than 70k I believe that Mit and his party have my best interest at heart. And really who cares if that trip out West I saved all last year for is going to be spent on taxes. The West aint going any where am I right? At least I know i'll be helping to pay down the national debt and free up more money to create more jobs.
Too bad my time in service wasn't a little longer. I met a lot of people from different walks of life and I can't but think if I had stayed in longer I might have met some folks from the upper 5%. I would have told them thanks for the job I know I have waiting for me when I get out (unless i'm injured in which case I can't work and will be forced to sit on a porch and get ridiculed for having kids I can't support)
But I digress, I also think we need to get rid of Obama care and instute Romney care. I really don't know what either of them does but I know I don't want ANYTHING resembling Obama care. I do know though that Romney Care is the way to go!
Oh and one last thing, is there anbody here who hunts and DOESN'T have a pic of themselves in camo/hunting clothes?
Just sayin...
I'm not sure it will be as close as the media makes people believe. The TRUE democrats are now seeing Obama for what he is (please go back in time and see what a true democrat is). I think there is alot of well maybe's out there, but once the person is inside the voting booth by theirself, they will probably vote for whom they see fit, but if Obama doens't win, they can always say they voted ;)

I am actually predicting a Romney/Ryan landslide, but I didn't want to get "cocky" as there are plenty of freeloaders in each state that are dependent on Obama and the "free handouts" and they will go vote!
You guys are right on the money about Mit and Ryan. I believe the upper one percent are the job creators. Its not their fault the jobs they create are over seas, that's just good business sense. I mean why send billions over seas in government loans when we can send them jobs instead? I for one am tired of government handouts. Now, if that means I have to pay a little more in taxes to have a republican in office then so be it.
Don't you democrats watch tv? ( I know you do because some one overseas has your job) its not the wealthy peoples' fault they have money. And as such they shouldn't have to pay higher taxes. Taxes are for working people since they aren't job creators.
Now as a working man with a household income of less than 70k I believe that Mit and his party have my best interest at heart. And really who cares if that trip out West I saved all last year for is going to be spent on taxes. The West aint going any where am I right? At least I know i'll be helping to pay down the national debt and free up more money to create more jobs.
Too bad my time in service wasn't a little longer. I met a lot of people from different walks of life and I can't but think if I had stayed in longer I might have met some folks from the upper 5%. I would have told them thanks for the job I know I have waiting for me when I get out (unless i'm injured in which case I can't work and will be forced to sit on a porch and get ridiculed for having kids I can't support)
But I digress, I also think we need to get rid of Obama care and instute Romney care. I really don't know what either of them does but I know I don't want ANYTHING resembling Obama care. I do know though that Romney Care is the way to go!
Oh and one last thing, is there anbody here who hunts and DOESN'T have a pic of themselves in camo/hunting clothes?
Just sayin...

As a political figure and now a running mate for vice presidency, that is a little more than the average sportsman in the public eye.

Ever see Obama or Biden or Poloski or Clinton (Mrs., not Mr. ) behind anything but a lie?
You guys are right on the money about Mit and Ryan. I believe the upper one percent are the job creators. Its not their fault the jobs they create are over seas, that's just good business sense. I mean why send billions over seas in government loans when we can send them jobs instead? I for one am tired of government handouts. Now, if that means I have to pay a little more in taxes to have a republican in office then so be it.
Don't you democrats watch tv? ( I know you do because some one overseas has your job) its not the wealthy peoples' fault they have money. And as such they shouldn't have to pay higher taxes. Taxes are for working people since they aren't job creators.
Now as a working man with a household income of less than 70k I believe that Mit and his party have my best interest at heart. And really who cares if that trip out West I saved all last year for is going to be spent on taxes. The West aint going any where am I right? At least I know i'll be helping to pay down the national debt and free up more money to create more jobs.
Too bad my time in service wasn't a little longer. I met a lot of people from different walks of life and I can't but think if I had stayed in longer I might have met some folks from the upper 5%. I would have told them thanks for the job I know I have waiting for me when I get out (unless i'm injured in which case I can't work and will be forced to sit on a porch and get ridiculed for having kids I can't support)
But I digress, I also think we need to get rid of Obama care and instute Romney care. I really don't know what either of them does but I know I don't want ANYTHING resembling Obama care. I do know though that Romney Care is the way to go!
Oh and one last thing, is there anbody here who hunts and DOESN'T have a pic of themselves in camo/hunting clothes?
Just sayin...

Obama has convinced you of the class welfare issue. It doesn't take much to be top 5% really. I'm probably there, but many of my friends are not top 5% but we treat each other the same, I don't buy into the us against them theory of brainwash.
Romney & Ryan aside... The Democrats with Pelosi, Reid & Obama have been in charge since 2006 when Pelosi & Reid took both houses. Then Obama in 2008 obviously. I am just wondering what anyone is voting for that's so amazing that these folks have done after controlling congress & presidency with record margains?!?! I seriously want to know what would make you cast a vote for them? The Government is broken, I personally think it's gotten far far far worse since 2006 when they were elected to "fix it". They are not working, they are broken, the government is broken, they are a disaster, what on earth has happened since 2006 that you'd vote them back in AGAIN or sit out & let them get in?
(sigh) You're right there Hardwood11. I shouldn't have a problem with large wage earners. As the name implies, they earned it. But...if there really was class warfare going on (and I'm not sayin' there is) but if there was I would do everything I could to convince my opponent the fight wasn't real, there's no need for defenses 'cause we ain't fightin'. "Nothing to see here, move along" and all that. I mean , we could pretty much do what we wanted then right? "No, no, no we're not screwin ya! Your talkin all crazy with that class warfare stuff. Must be brainwashed"
Things that make you go hmmm...
Hmmmmmmmmm, you lost me. You have the right to your own opinion, I jusr happen to disagree with you.......I think? :confused:
Hmmmmmmmmm, you lost me. You have the right to your own opinion, I jusr happen to disagree with you.......I think? :confused:
Fair enough! I think I lost myself on that last one. Lets talk about deer hunting.
So...any one here have thoughts on how the drought will affect deer this year?
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