Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Just got back from working on some stands, while we were out there I looked down at my pants and thought I had gotten into weed seeds but upon closer inspection found them to be small ticks, If I had to guess I would say easily into the thousands. So far I've had two showers and the wife and kids have been inspecting my legs still finding a few. Just wondering if anyone had any good ideas for killing ticks like this that are on you. I'm tired of picking them off by the hundreds!
Only way I can help you out is that spray your body down with anything that contains permetherin. Sawyer Denon is what I use and it works awesome. Being alive and on your body I dont know of anything except fire or a sharpe object that will kill ticks. Obviously you should remove them from your body. (You never know these days) Now permetherin should not be applied to your skin, only articles of clothing, have seen when ticks come into contact with this stuff they die almost instantly.
sounds like deer ticks to me...be carefull of lyme disease.
Permethrin as stated above should not be applied directly to your skin. Last spring I got into ticks real bad one weekend and I opted to spray the junk straight on myself. It did in fact kill all the ticks withing minutes. As of now I havnt grown a third testicle so the side effects cant be all that bad
Duct tape works great getting these critters off you. You'll have to suffer some pain from hair loss! After the bite and itching starts, Chigaid from your local drugstore stops the itch and will kill the tick. We have them by the billons in NC.
I'm tired of picking them off by the hundreds!

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Are you sure they are ticks and not chiggars? Dang chiggars are terrible this year and they bite and itch afterwords for 3-4 days!

I have to wear tall boots and keep buttoned up like an old farmer (heyy..I am an old farmer

Chiggars are very very tiny and perhaps you are dealing with ticks but I have had only one or two ticks get on me in the past couple months...but chiggars are another story!

My wife was talking to a gal who is having a new house built. She was there checking progress and with no potty yet...she decided to venture off into the brush.

She now has hundreds of chiggar bites on her butt (not sure who counted them...

Sounds like chiggers to me, also called "seed ticks".

I am sure they are not deer ticks, never had mroe than one deer tick on me at a time even though I have had 8-10 wood ticks on me before.
Chiggers... OUCH!!!

I type this as my left hand continues to ooze from chigger bites gone awry. (I finally broke down and went to the Dr. today and will pick up a prescription on the way home from work tonight to stop the insanity of the pain and itching. I itched until I gave myself an infection on my hand, not good.) They are THICK this year, at least in my neck of the woods. I pity the lady who "took it on the cheeks"!

Good post Double, there are many wives tales and misconceptions about chiggers, this is good information for people to have. (I think Shredder posted some similar good info on chiggers one other time too, a couple of years ago.)
I don't think chiggars have a white dot on there back though. I was down looking at a friends farm in Farmington just walking on the mowed path with shorts on, next thing I know I look down at my legs and something very small is crawling around. I thought at first it was a bunch of baby spiders, then my friend looked at my legs and about came out of his skin. i had about a thousand little deer ticks on me and I was pretty freaked out. Then as we hurried out of there i got more and more on my legs. It still gives me the shivers.
I don't know what it was about that place but that area has more ticks than anything I have ever seen. i also will never go back to that farm again.
My understanding is from northern missouri to about 10 miles into IA the ticks are nasty. I'm here to confirm it.
Ticks are about he only thing possibly going to keep me out of the woods. Yes I'm scared of a creature that is a millimeter big.
walking on the mowed path with shorts on,

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I can personally attest that this is a very foolish practice!
I should know better, but every once in awhile I think I am just going to jump out of the truck for a minute and check something and then later I am itching like crazy.

Never, never walk through a CRP field or any grassy area with just shorts and flip flops on unless you own stock in an ointment company.

IMO, ticks are way more abundant in southern Iowa than even central Iowa. My experience is that ticks are more prevalent in early summer and the chiggers are more of a bother later in the summer. I can't wait for some frost!
This is the first year that I have ever found a Deer tick on me and now the count of those little tards is at 7. Now wood ticks...........they just love me.
River Bottom Boy - not necessarily, the nail polish "seals" the sore and prevents it from itching. That is obviously a good thing, it is just that the nail polish does not "smother" the chigger as is so commonly mentioned.
Wood Ticks for some reason stay away from me. I guess I dont taste good. I'm not complaining mind you- But I have found maybe 3 or 4 on me in my 38 years. Call me lucky.
walking on the mowed path with shorts on,

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Never, never walk through a CRP field or any grassy area with just shorts and flip flops on unless you own stock in an ointment company.

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Heck I can't walk thru my back yard like that! It's "chiggar suicide"

I'm always walking thru my switchgrass, foodplots, in the woods checking trail cameras, etc. and I still haven't had more then a tick or two on me.

However my ankles, look like I've been shot from a far with birdshot! Miserable things! They bite the most tender areas, ankles, thighs, underarms...unmentionables

Wearing tallboots, and tight fitting socks helps along with some OFF sprayed around my pantlegs and shirt sleeves.

I've had some get infected from itching also...not pretty!

They don't like cold nights...so I'm ready for the sweet smell of chilly fall nights!
so I'm ready for the sweet smell of chilly fall nights!

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Man, that does sound nice!
TallTines - Thats the area I was in around Farmington, They did look like little spiders scurrying around on my pants and legs. I've been eaten alive by chiggers before but can't say as I have ever seen one on me. These little guys I had scrape off my legs with a finger nail where they were attached. I know you're not suppose to just pull ticks off but if I had taken the time for tweezers or what not I would still be there pulling them off. Ticks don't really scare me or bother me, but this was ridiculous. I wish I would have thought to get a picture of these suckas so we could come to a conclusion on whether they were ticks or chiggars. Come On Frost!!
4play, Like I said the ones on me had little white dots that the keenest eye could hardly see. I know deer ticks have white dots on the back and these were even tinier than other deer ticks i've had on me in the past. I immediatly started scrubbing them off and sprayed deet all over them then got to the quickest shower I could. Those things were so small you honestly couldn't tell the difference between them and a freckle. So needless to say every freckle on me I scrubbed trying to kill the nasty things. I had to do the same as you and use my fingernail to get them off.
I know I was retarded for walking over there in shorts but my excuse was we just got done hanging stands a ways from there and had a good drive down to farmington so I had to take the nasty clothes I had on off before I got my seats muddy. In hidsight I'll put muddy pants on before walking any where in the woods with shorts on again.
I think you experienced the same thing as me 4play and I usually don't mind ticks but a thousand on my legs that are crawling north kind of gets me a little worried.
I was pulling some deer stands the other day with Doubledroptines. I go into the timber everyday with shorts, no shirt and keen sandles which was my outfit for this day as well.

Ticks, chiggars, what ever they are just don't like me. Like someone else said, I must not taste good to them, or they get drunk on sweat and fall off.

Anyway, my partner was not so lucky, he was covered with the things and his legs look like you shot him with a shotgun.

His legs are pastey white too, which doesn't help the look of things anyway!
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