Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What the %%%%^^!^!!!

If the site can't handle all the forums then maybe the admins should ask themselves why a fishing forum exists on a deer hunting site? probably to just fulfill someones need to be an admin of something on this site is my opinion.

Nice jab, way to be an adult! :way:
thanks for your contribution!
don't worry Thomas...I'll post up some hard-water pics with 250 before x-mas to keep you in the moderator business.
Daver hit the nail on the head. Many members that have been here for years and gathered with other members have formed a friendship and therefore it could be percieved as a click. Heck, it wasn't until I became active on this site that my cell phone had entries that say, Critter, Limb Chicken, RutnStrut, and many others.

Another point is that no matter how long you have been active here, your post might be more well recieved if in your history here you have been positive and gained the respect of others. Some people are more careless or disrespectful in their responses and those people might not get the same courtesee as people who post with integrity. A few examples of careless or disrespectful responses can be found by reading back just a short distance in this post, as well as many others.

The same can be said for the non-resident members. Most are well received and well respected. Some, however, take a route in expressing their views that sparks a reaction from resident members. Kind of like someone telling you how to raise your children, it is an emotional topic. I have been the "non-resident" on many hunts and I have been active on hunting websites from those states. I have chose not to tell them how their state should do things but I expect that if I did I would get negative responses. I have decided that hunting their state is a honor, not a right. We have many very valuable and respected NR members here on Iowawhitetail.com and I hope we gain many more.

Lastly, I do feel for the member who posted about his son's first deer and got limited responses. I remember seeing the pride in my kid's faces as I read them the responsese to their hunts. I work hard to reply to all posts including children but sometimes it is hard to keep up.
I have to admit, I don't give as much attention to a five year "Member" / "Lurker" with 49 posts as I would someone who has actually stepped up and been helpful in answering questions and sharing their family traditions and hunting passions with me personally. It is what you make it I guess.

I've got to agree with Skully. It's hard to "get a feel" for someone who has been a member for 3 or 4 yrs with an avg of 10 posts per yr. The best way to get involved is to get involved an participate.

I'm 1500 miles or so north so I can hardly think I'm in a click of any sort. I do feel that there are many members who contribute alot and I try and do the same when applicable.

It is what it is, an internet based forum to share stories, ideas, tactics etc. with like minded individuals. I know that I have disagreed with numerous folks over the years but with respect, disagreeance is overlooked in the long run.

Yes, I wish some people shared more,.I feel I share basically all there is to share, maybe to much but I can't make decisions for anyone and respect thier wishes. Bottomline, there are a pile of guys here who I'd love to have as company for a weeks deer hunt either down south or in the north woods.
This site was at its prime way before t250. Who we really need back is Shortfused or the poster formally known as moose270 :grin:


It seems that when I would post something on here I would get a few responses if any but if Muddy, Ghost, Shredder or another popular member would post everyone would be pissing all over themselves trying to reply. Count how many times those guys get "well said" in their posts. They could make a post about taking a crap and someone would post "well said"!:grin:

Again... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! I've given up trying to make the Legends forum!

That being said, let's not forget how many completely useless and stupid things I posted out of the 11,130 posts I have. If I had a nickel for every constructive post I have put out there I'd probably still owe IW a few hunnerd bucks.

Website forums (this one included) will always have upswings and downswings in the posting quality, just like life in general. I can say that I've been bad about contributing the past year but that's because I'm in a huge upswing in life with 13 month old twin daughters, if I didn't have them I'd easily be over 20,000 posts. Times and life change but one constant I'll have is IW.

Man I miss shortfused about as much as Rudd misses his brother ReleaseHunter, master of the fawn slayers and rubber tire backstop haters.
Originally Posted by hillrunner
This site was at its prime way before t250. Who we really need back is Shortfused or the poster formally known as moose270 :grin:


Originally Posted by SDbow
It seems that when I would post something on here I would get a few responses if any but if Muddy, Ghost, Shredder or another popular member would post everyone would be pissing all over themselves trying to reply. Count how many times those guys get "well said" in their posts. They could make a post about taking a crap and someone would post "well said"!:grin:

Again... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! I've given up trying to make the Legends forum!

That being said, let's not forget how many completely useless and stupid things I posted out of the 11,130 posts I have. If I had a nickel for every constructive post I have put out there I'd probably still owe IW a few hunnerd bucks.

Website forums (this one included) will always have upswings and downswings in the posting quality, just like life in general. I can say that I've been bad about contributing the past year but that's because I'm in a huge upswing in life with 13 month old twin daughters, if I didn't have them I'd easily be over 20,000 posts. Times and life change but one constant I'll have is IW.

Man I miss shortfused about as much as Rudd misses his brother ReleaseHunter, master of the fawn slayers and rubber tire backstop haters.

Well said!

Sorry, couldn't resist. :grin:
I would like to respond to this post but everytime I think about putting my words on paper (sort of speak) and many other post.I feel like I shouldn't because I am not good with computers and sometimes I don't word it right or say it right.The only reason I try is because I want to be part of this great web site.
I don't know how to add pictures ,Don't get me wrong I have tried.I get my daughter to help me when she is home from school.And then I get flustered.Plus I don't like all the other ,I was going to say hunters that bad mouth other hunters.Just because they don't see eye to eye.They all hunt,some for trophys some for meat,But we all hunt in one way or the other.Be it gun or be it bow.We should be backing each other.Just be respectful of your fellow hunters and be thankful for a place we all can go and enjoy such a great web site.
I think there are a lot of good and valid points out there, but I do want to share something about the same/redundant topics theme that has gotten brought up a couple times.

I do remember when I first got on here and I was rather fresh as a bowhunter. I learned a TON from posting. I was THAT guy who had questions all over the place...especially about trail cameras. Now, had those questions been asked?? YES, lots probably, and I thank the guys that responded to me. And it wasn't long before someone new came along and asked the same questions I did. I put myself in their shoes and tried to point them to my old posts or answered based off the feedback I got from others on here...

And how jacked was I to share my first bowkill on here??! Very pumped! It wasn't but a 125" decent 8 pointer that I got on film and there were several who were pumped for me. I'm like everyone else, there's only a certain allotted time in the day and sometimes you can't just get to all the posts....no excuses.

BUT, if we are only in this gig for ME, ME, ME, then we will ultimately be disappointed in what we find on here. We've all heard the topics again and again. And we're going to see both spikes and giants shot, year after year....so, why not be that guy who's humble enough to encourage the guy who shoots a 110 incher, or the kid who shoots his first spike, or a guy that shoots a 243" giant (without claiming poaching)??

It made a difference to me and that's why I stick around...I enjoy looking and learning and encouraging others and I'm thankful there is this site. Maybe we need to take a look inward and transfer our thoughts from "what can I take" to "how can I encourage" and build a foundation that people want to be a part of and join...because we all know, at some point, there will be fire, especially living in Iowa! :way:

Just some thoughts that are NOT pointed at anyone...
Seriously though, I think a lot of people are afraid to ask what might be looked at as a "dumb question". I have hunted deer for 16 of the last 21 years (took a five year break due to career, kids, etc.) and have taken 9 deer with my bow and well over 20 with a gun and still feel like I am a beginner. I have never taken a buck over 140" and that is my goal now. I have two kids and a wife that hunt (that kind of sounds wrong, I only have one wife and she hunts :grin:) and I want to see them harvest nice deer. I'm not afraid to ask something that might sound like a "stupid" question to others hoping to get an opinion that might help me to be able to make my family successful in their hunts.

I can see where it is easy to feel intimidated by some of the people here. Some of you put so much time/energy/money into your hunts it is unbelieveable. The thing is though, nobody should be intimidated by that, they should learn from it. That is why you all post the information that you do.

The point was made before, and I agree with it, that some people won't post for fear of others encroaching on their hunting ground. I think this is very true, and I know for a fact that it has happened before. Maybe not with this site (although I'm sure it has) but I know it has happened with others. Hunting ground gets harder to come by every year for those of us that are not fortunate enough to own a large property and can't afford to lease. If we lose property to some "lurker" with deep pockets we have to start over.

All that said, maybe things are settling down a bit for Iowa. Heck, for all we know people might be starting to look to places like Kansas, Illinois, and Missouri for big whitetail..........(hint, hint) :grin:
I just wanted to clarify that I was not saying that this site sucks. I meant it sucks that it's been slow for way to long. I love this site and always will.

I think there are some great replies to this post and I think I agree with the newness has worn off theory. I guess I don't reply very often any more to others post. I'm as guilty as the rest. I'm sorry I stirred the pot.

IW rocks!!
sorry blake i just dont know what happened. I always read your posts. I'm not trying to make anybody mad. Things are just different around here.

You are certainly not making me mad. This is an adult converation, you have a right to express your thoughtd and feelings in a mature manner. We are good my friend. :)
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"have to admit, I don't give as much attention to a five year "Member" / "Lurker" with 49 posts as I would someone who has actually stepped up and been helpful in answering questions and sharing their family traditions and hunting passions with me personally. It is what you make it I guess. :way:"

This post by Skully makes my Point exactly, I've read every thread on this site for almost 9 years and rarely have time to contribute as often as I should. This is always the first place I come with pictures of my family experiences! I've introduced more than 10 people to archery hunting whitetails, and all 4 of my children are active and prefer to be in the outdoors. Other members here also know me from using my best treestands and killing great deer from there. That's what counts. I "step up" in person and on here when I'm able and have always appreciated the experience and wealth of knowledge on this site...but negative assumptions about people like this is why any forum site loses members...
I couldn't agree with jasondodd more. I've been a long time member and read quite often on this site. I have even paid to be a member since the PMA started. But due to a very short attention span I do not stay online long at any particular site, including this one. Just because I do not post means I am a "lurker" and "not pulling my weight"? That is an interesting observation...and one that I'm sure has cost this site many contributing members. I wouldn't continue to renew my membership if I didn't think it was worth it on some level.
I enjoy reading the posts of my chosing and have never once (perhaps until now) registered a complaint or negative comment. I have my own reasons for not sharing all my personal stories and accomplishments. For someone to pass judgement on me b/c I don't is ridiculous. I have, however, PM'd several people with specific questions or comments. I get what I want to out of visiting this site...isn't that what it's all about? Apparently not to all.
I get what I want to out of visiting this site...isn't that what it's all about? Apparently not to all.

Well if that is indeed the case, then why worry about whether things seem slow or not?
Just because I do not post means I am a "lurker" and "not pulling my weight"? That is an interesting observation...and one that I'm sure has cost this site many contributing members
Not really sure how this attitude could lead a contributor to leave the site.

Anyways, we all have our reasons for what we do or do not do. Jasondodd, it's great you are so passionate about the outdoors and are proud of your family and their involvement in the outdoors. But, if in 9 yrs you've managed to read almost every thread and have posted only 50 times then it's easy to see why those assumptions are made. It took me about a minute to ramble this long winded post off. You've stared in the window of so many lives yet hardly opened the shutters to yours.
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