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I bought some bloodrunners last year. I paper tuned my bow and dinked around trying to get them to fly straight and gave up. I tried selling them last year with no takers. I have always had good luck with NAP but I'm not a fan of Bloodrunners
Cripes, thats terrible news. Wanna shoot one and see how it acts but my target i got here at home dont like to let go of broadheads.
Ive shot my spitfires out to 90 yards and had no problems. They fly awesome. Never moved my sight from shooting field points. Shot them through half a dozen different bows as well. I killed a bobcat at 85 yards a couple years ago. Shot through both shoulders of a mature doe at 75 last season. But I shoot a 80 lb omen so it's shoots pretty hard lol.
I could really use some good advice, im shooting a pse brute x at 70lbs and 29 in draw. My 100 grain field points are knockin out bullseyes from 20-40 yds all day but i cant find a broadhead it likes. Shot muzzys last year out of my martin shadowcat and they did the trick but not out of my brute. About to order some of these buzzcuts everyones talkin up and give them a shot. Any preference on 2 or 3 blade? Heeeelp!?!
You'll be sorry.switch to nap spitfire maxx st.I tried bloodrunners & hated them & after shooting deer they tend to never work again,they get stuck in the open position.
Try the spitfires. They fly awesome, cut a huge hole, don't have to mess around with orings, and the penetrate really well. Don't think I've ever not had a full pass through.
I tried bloodrunners, they causes my arrows to Barrel roll real bad, I shot a couple does with them and didn't even recover them, one was my fault due to a bad shot. Spitfires are the best thing ive used, they make a bloody mess, just like a rage but no o ring.
The new Bowhunting magazine has an in depth article compareing 2012 broadheads and the Wasp Hammer SST tested the sharpest, retained the highest energy and has the least drag of those tested. The SSTs also tested very good on the strength and durability test but was the worst on the fieldpoint comparison test. I guess it depends on what you are in need of in a broadhead. I have always shot Wasp with great results but to each thier own. Pick up a copy of this months 'Bowhunting'
My wife is gonna shoot wasps this year, I think being smaller will be a good thing for penetration with low lb bows, last year she killed her first buck with a bow with a buzz cut, but it didn't bleed much and she made a good shot.
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