Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Guaranteed NR Landowner Tag

How can you figure payment and tax into what it costs you to hunt? Your payment is towards your investment in Iowa land and tax is the support you give to the county for sheriff, schools, fire, etc. You are leaving out appreciation on the ground and any income from it. Either CRP, rent, hay, or trees. Do you have all your timber in the reserves program to reduce taxes? It seems as though as a proportion of payment and tax- my tax bill is MUCH higher than yours. When you live here you get to pay sales tax and state income tax, you have to deal with a lower salary than you can make in other areas but then- that is what entitles you to a resident tag. Hunting should always be affordable and accessable for residents. I still think that there should be an auction for NR tags- let the market decide what they are worth. Demand will set the appropriate price for NR tags if you beleive in the market.
That's right auction the NR tags, price out the little guy, and you have ensured big money will influence Iowa's legislature, real estate industry, insurance industry, etc. once those folks see the hunting resource and want more of an interest. That makes zero sense and would absolutely backfire on die hard Iowa hunters like yourself. 180 is right on the mark. NR tag allocation WILL change whether it's this year or next. Iowa hunters are not the only folks who vote in the state, and are definitely not the majority. Get involved and help influence a reasonable NR increase so the state legislature doesn't make decisions on their own.
I don't understand why others don't try to make the hunting better in their own state. Seems like it would solve a lot of problems. I am trying to understand why people spend so much money and want to change the rules, when no one forced them to come here in the first place. I am trying to do this through respectful and educated dialogue of course. I don't feel to sorry for someone that can afford to spend $23,900 a year to come here and deer hunt. I am a diehard bowhunter too, but you just spent over 75% of my annual salary on deer hunting. Sorry bud, but I think you are not going to change minds on here, even though you are trying to do so in a civil way. I can appreciate that.
I think 180bc is preaching to the choir and I don't blame residents one bit for looking out for their best interests. By owning multiple farms in multiple states you will probably not get much sympathy from Iowa's resident joe-tax payer-deerhunter.

If a free-for all migration of NR's land purchasing is allowed to enter iowa, the vast majority of Iowa's hunters will be hit with a negative impact in some regard. I know if I was able to buy 40 acres and then be guaranteed a tag I would be looking for some land. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Commercialization of hunting is going to be the biggest problem(if it isn't already) for hunting in the years to come. IBA's stance right now on NR/landowner issues are certainly right on the money and looks out for the average resident bowhunter and if you look closely at it, it also looks out for the DIY NR bowhunter as well. It will be a dark day when greenbacks alone determine who will be the privelaged ones to hunt.

As far as auctioning the tags. Not a good idea!!! Unless of course you never care to leave Iowa to hunt other big game. I personally see that as a sure way to guarantee that Iowa's hunting will head down the dark path of money and greed.

Right now in Utah they are taking 25% of all big game NR tags and putting them on the auction block. Not only will they likely go for ungodly prices, those bidding on them will have to attend a special convention to even get a chance to bid. At least that is how I understand it right now. These tags will largely be for animals that roam vast tracts of federal land that we all pay taxes on. I hate to see iowa be reduced to that. A deal with the devil as i see it!

NR's aren't trying to change Iowa. Websites like this one, IowaDeer, and outdoor companies like Kisky's, Drury's, NAW, etc, exposed Iowa for its hunting and now the battle to keep everyone out has begun. Don't look now a lot of those who own and operate the mentioned companies are Iowa residents. Don't throw this on the NR's.
I am not a charter member of this site, but I would guess that it was formed so that those passionate about deer hunting could collaborate and share ideas, tips, stories, etc. Not try to increase n.r. tags allocations. I do recall that this post was started by a n.r., and that the desire to change the n.r. tag allocations is from the n.r. The n.r. loves to sit back and place the blame on the iowans and the IBA. Not sure what you think I am throwing on the n.r.'s. Is it the constant whining, complaing, bragging about how much money they have, how they are gonna win the war in court, blah blah blah. This garbage gets old. Like I said, nobody forced n.r.'s to come here and buy land. They shouldn't be entitled to more than the next n.r. because they have more cash. We are not gonna stand by and allow the system to change to benefit the rich. We will fight to keep what we have. You got two choices, deal with it or fight harder. Either way, we will be there bud. For what it is worth, my disagreement on the issue has nothing to do with there residency. If someone from IA was proposing the same thing, I would be against it too. I enjoy discussing and learning about whitetail hunting on this site, not arguing about legislation. But, every once in a while someone gets on here (usually a wealthy n.r.) and wants to stir it up. What do you expect. Let me guess, now that there are forumns that discuss our great hunting, and shows that display it, and magazines that write about, we all owe the n.r.'s something.
Jdubs, are you saying 180 hasn't proposed anything? More damage has been done to Iowa hunting from the video companies than this site will ever do.
Come on now! Let's keep this in perspective!!!! This is not a nr vs r situation. Also jdubs, we are not battling to keep nr out. We are maintaining a management perspective as well as a realistic position to maintain a balance for the average resident hunter who lives here in this state. Alot of us are purists and marvel at what we have done so far to be one of the top whitetail destinations in the country. We will fight for that wether they be from Iowa or tim buc two. One of the reason's nr travel to Iowa to hunt deer in this state is because we have trophy deer in this state and the state they are from does not afford them the opportunity to hunt whitetail(trophy that is)in their state due to poor management practices and or the laws associated with DNR management. Most of my family lives on the East coast in the State of Maryland. They have plenty of deer there but not the size we have here. Why is that? It's not the corn! They have corn there to. I do know that alot of hunters in their area's shoot just about anything that has horns on it! As a matter of fact I believe (correct me if I am wrong Jdubs) Pennsylvannia finally initiated a antler size on their deer hoping to increase the quality. I don't know about any other residents on this site but the last thing you are going to see me doing anytime soon in the near future is travel to another state to hunt whitetail! I don't need to! That is why I am protective of what we sportsmen here in Iowa have helped to develop. There always will be those who see financial gain in different aspects of whitetail hunting and or bird hunting in this State. There are certain aspects of that which I do not have a problem with. But--there is a point at which alot of us will stand up and say enough is enough.. Work with us to stay within the balance and maintain what we have. That is all we ask! Everyone will benefit. If a person can't do that then I believe that there intentions are self benefiting and they really don't care about the true apsect of this sport or what we here in Iowa have tried to accomplish. We care! Nr's are welcome in this state and always will be.
Sure are alot of democratic protect the little guy type statements on this site since the election is over- I thought this was a republican type site.
Why should the NR tag be different from anything else in this state- why not reduce NR tags to a commodity? Sell them to the highest bidders- fund the DNR to the hilt and purchase more public land with the proceeds. If you want a tag every year for a reasonable price, move here and become a resident. You'll even get to vote. This is a NR vs resident thing- NR doe tags are a drop in the bucket as far as "management" issues go. This is about folks wanting to tell the residents of Iowa how to really RUN things. Like we don't know.
I said IA hunters should help the legislature agree on a REASONABLE increase, it's not going to stay the same. The NR demand for IA hunting is due to exposure caused by IOWANS. So Silvertip maybe you should call Don Kisky, Lee Lakosky, Bill Winke or even Oldbuck up, call them "bud", and demand they stop producing materials exposing IA hunting. Keep in mind I think all mentioned above are great at what they do. I have said I like the current system but it's going to change and NR's are not the root of the change.
Well, you girls want a gun fight so I will shoot...
Bang Bang. I as a NR and after reading all the posts, I have to agree with the resident... I have never stepped outta my truck while in or through iowa, so I'm not speaking for iowans but as if I were a iowa resident I would fight like hell to keep it the way it is. There has to be one place on earth to have trophy hunting, so Iowa be it, deal with it and keep the high rollers at the same level as the blue coller man that dies for big bone. Big friggen deal someone owns property and wants to hunt it, you want to take full advantage of it, move to Iowa, these guys are good hearted... They will welcome with open arms... Its the state law so to fight it will just put more money into a high rollers account cause the little man enjoys it probable more...

I'm not gonna state anything cause avidhunter will jump on it
I don't agree with the lottery but then again I cherish the fact that I can one day, if I wanted to have Quality Big Buck Hunting with a waiting game...

IMO, keep the high rollers outta the legislation and let the IBA and the little men speak for them selves for thier home state deer hunting...

1 since I've been reading your posts I've noticed your after horn only...
2 you could save a bunch and just pay a guide and hunt you precious buck year after year and save a ton from the amount you stated...
Iowa has thier [censored] strait, don't mess with a good thing and just move there...
3 Its thier law and its been working, look at the record books, theres a reason behind it...

Money talks, but not in Iowa.

180bc, not to get on your case, but look at canada. Its also quality hunting and the NR CAN'T buy any land, good god, I hope that day never comes.

You asked for the gunfight so I fired...Thats just my 0.02 though...
This an issue that whe have been talking about for years and it seems like the same old argument from res and non res alike. We will continue to let our feeling be known to our legislature's about this issue. They will eventually decide whether it stays the same or changes on a year to year basis. But for now it is what it is.
There are some that think they own this State. You don't. A couple of my friends have died in the past year fighting for the freedom's we have in this country. If the land is for sale and a out of state individual wants to buy it, its your right to do so. But there will still only be 6000 either sex tags issued whether you do or not. Thats the law as it stands now. If it changes, then it changes. The bottom line is we here in this state will continue to fight for what we consider is in our best interest. When you get to the point that you start blaming someone for the problem you become the

Jdubs---Please, if you are gonna post, make some sense. Why do we have to have any increase? Because we have folks here that are talented artists, videographers/hunters? Mr. Zach is a talented artist that does a lot for the hunting community. You sound like the guys that got busted this year with doe only tags that just couldn't resist the tempatation to shoot a buck. It was that states fault 'cause there is just too many big bucks. And to think that some of the liberal media played it up like they were the victims. You sound just like them. By the way, I am not gonna call any of the mentioned up and complain to them. They have done nothing wrong. I read an article last night about bighorn sheep hunting in CO. I think I am gonna get on a website and start crying about how the state needs to change it's laws so I can get a tag. I have only applied there for 7 years. Not a single complaint. I will wait my turn like everyone else. Just like you and all the other babies should do. One other thing, you don't have to worry about too many of us coming out there to PA to hunt. Maybe once they get there game managment figured out.

For what it is worth, I do welcome any and all of the n.r.'s that draw a tag.

Why do you insist on name calling. So far I'm "bud" and a "baby". I have stated in several posts on this site that I HAVE NO PROBLEM with the current system, but I think a change is on the horizon. And, noone is blaming the mentioned artists, however, how do you believe Iowa deer hunting has come to be known nationwide? If you cannot see the inevitable change coming, and why, you should view this issue from another perspective, many of those perspectives that of Iowa residents(farmers, landowners, real estate, insurance, hotel owners, restaurant owners, etc) I will however refrain from stooping to the level of name calling. And by the way PA has rich hunting tradition as deep seeded or more so than Iowa. It all boils down to what you believe a quality hunt is. You talk a good game but what it boils down to for you, and many others, is inches of bone, period. That is not the reason I hunt be it in PA or IA. I hunt for that rush you get when you first see deer moving toward your stand, or the story of the huge deer(exaggerated of course) that my father saw just out of range. Lastly, how many Iowans travel to OH, IL, MO, KS, MN, ND, SD or Canada to hunt? I would love to know the truth. P.S. Silvertip, the PA Game Commission made over 6.7 million in revenue, 10.5 percent of total revenue, in the sale of NR licenses. At $101 per NR tag, that's approximately 67,000 NR hunters. Someone is coming to PA.
Yes, people are going there. Mainly due to the population density of the east coast. If you have no problem with the current system, why did you say that the residents need to change and be open to more tags. Why do you seem to be against me and others on this site that want to keep things the way they are. You did in fact blame this situation on Kisky, Zach, and others, so don't be talking in circles. Remember, you told me to call them! How does it boil down to inches of bone for me? I have never put an animal in the "book" (killed several) or even posted a kill pic on this site or any other. Not that there is anything wrong with doing that. Hunting is a very personal thing for me and I choose to be that way. What this is about for "me" is preserving the hunting heritage that we have here in IA for myself, my children, and my friends. I don't care what you do in PA, or anywhere else. I would like to know how many Iowans get on others sites and whine about others states game laws.

Apparently you are not reading my posts carefully. I'm not talking in circles. I do blame the recent popularity in IA hunting on those companies and individuals, as I do sites like this one and IowaDeer. Because of this exposure more people want to come there, affected businesses like the DNR are adding up lost revenue turning away NR's and the result is an attempt at a compromise in an increase in NR tags. My position has been consistent, I like the current system, but I think it will change. Check my posts.
Just out of curiosity.......if you're not a "antler hunter", why would you even care about the current draw system that Iowa has for non-residents. If you're truly in it just for the hunt, why would you ever leave Pennsylvania? Last I knew, you could shoot 6 deer, 2 turkeys, a black bear, and a unicorn all from a single 16 dollar tag. Of course, that was a few years ago, maybe the state of Pennsylvania has improved it's trophy whitetail management since then. Back to my point though......if you're really in it just for the hunt........why leave?????????

P.S. This is the second time I've heard you rake this site and the before mentioned video producers. If you have such a problem with this site, why do you visit so often? And by the way, I'm not sure who taught you how to categorize, but maybe you should refrain from adding Old Buck to lists of people who do damage to Iowa deer hunting. If you'd do a little research on your own, you'd realize he does more for our state than most of us do put together.
I have been watching as this post continues to grow. I am a NR from Pa I have hunted in Iowa every year I can draw for the last 10 years . I didnt know anyone out there and have made several good friends and value the wonderful relationships we have developed. I also would like to hunt every year but the rules dont allow that. Because I dont own any land in Iowa I should be treated differently than another non resident who does? Who would it really help for the state of Iowa to treat me differently that YOU? The land was a investment that YOU could afford. I spend my money when I am out there also. !!In Pennsylvania if you want to buy Non Resident doe tag you wait until the residents have had a chance for theirs and then YOU apply with the rest of the Non Residents for the leftover tags it doesnt matter if YOU own land . Should it be different? What special rights do the nonresident landowners in North Carolina have over the rest of the nonresidents ? Bottom line is YOU knew the rules when YOU bought it YOU dont want to follow the rules go someplace else where the rules are the way YOU want them . There are plenty of places where YOU can use YOUR money to buy YOU anything YOU want. I am sorry but I believe YOU are too full of YOURSELF if you think the rules are going to change for YOU!! I think Iowa is a great place with some of the kindest people You could ever meet. Just because YOU have money doesnt mean YOU dont have to wait in line with the rest of us . s
Why would YOU think selling You a tag every year would help anyone but YOU??
So heres my multiple choice question for YOU
Selling YOU(meaning all NR landowners) a tag every tear will ??
A. help IOWAS deer herd
B. help the state of Iowa
C. help the insurance companies
d. help the ANY of the residents of Iowa
e. help YOU
answer at bottom of page
I wonder how you answered that? You will probally cry some more and say its not fair. I hope the residents of Iowa see that this guy only cares about the deer in the state of Iowa and if something happens to them he will be gone!! To the people of Iowa get to work and protect what you have if not for yourselves do it for your children . treetop

ANS. <font color="red"> </font> YOU
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