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Guaranteed NR Landowner Tag


I don't care about the current tag system. I'll say it for the 10th time. I have no problem with drawing every other year. But I'm sick of being attacked as being the problem. This site is great but the creation of sites like this one will do nothing but help cut your own throats. When I discovered Iowa hunting I cringed when I saw not one but two sites. I knew this very problem was on its way. I hunted IL for several years and watched it happen there. The truth hurts and noone will back me down from what I know is coming. And by the way I'm not a rich NR. I'm tired of that crap too. I sacrifice my rear end off to have money to hunt in other states. I've hunted IA, IL, MT, NC, OH just to name a few. While other NR's are willing to sit back and take a beating, I'll entertain all comers. Lastly, I'm not bashing Oldbuck. I own one of his paintings. I simply stated his work exposes Iowa hunting. If you want to discuss factually fine, if you want to embellish your not worth the post.
treetop, I love you man
Jdubs, i think your missing the point totally.Your blaming the problem on the publicity Iowa recieves from websights like this, magazines, etc..

We dont mind the publicity.Saying that we shouldnt get together, in forums like this, and discuss hunting in our region is assinine.It has nothing to do with the regulations in this state, were a bunch of deer hunters talking about items related to deer hunting.Im proud of the fact that our state produces the bucks it produces, and they should be recognized as the great bucks they are, either in here or in magazines or whatever.The animals are amazing and deserve all the recognition they get IMO.

The problem is NR wanting to change things.Our current system must be working or we wouldnt have the bucks we have.You can say what you want about NR not being interested in coming here for the size of the antlers but we both know thats an outright lie.99% of the NR who draw either sex tags here are coming for one reason only, to shoot a large buck.The ones that really dont care about antlers are the ones buying the doe tags, not the ones whining they cant get a buck tag every year and that the system needs changed.We really dont mind NR hunters, hell I meet a lot of them every year up here and have liked most of them.But when they start trying to change things to suit thier own interests it becomes a problem.You dont get the number of trophy animals this state produces by overhunting them.If we start gauranteeing tags and raising quotas your gonna start seeing younger and younger bucks killed every year.Whats an extra 6000 trophy hunters plus whatever the number of guaranteed landowner tags going to do to the buck population?even the best arreas only hold a certain amount of trophy animals and thats where the majority of this hunting pressure would be centered, it wouldnt be scattered evenly across the state.And at the end of the day we al still live here, and you still live somewhere else, so were gonna look out for our best interests and the interests of our deer herd before we worry about your feelings being hurt because you cant draw a tag.

the bottom line is magazines, websights, and Tv shows dont have nothing to do with people crying about being treated unfairly.And they sure as hell dont have anything to do with NR trying to change the regulations in our state, thats all on you guys so quit trying to lay the blame somewhere else.
Well, I asked for it and I got it. Thanks for all the dialogue....seriously. I really am interested in your opinions and I thought I would throw out a solution that I saw as a win / win scenario. You will have to go back and examine the original post to be back on topic now, as we have run several rabbits. Contrary to what some of you think I dont expect to change your minds, I just hope to prepare you for what I feel in inevitable. I suspect that I have failed in that too. I am sorry I couldnt present this in a more convincing way so that you could put yourself in my shoes. I own the land, but can only hunt with your permission, so to speak. It is exactly what large cities are doing now called zoning. It is where you control someone elses property, their activities, and regulate them to serve your own interests without having to actually own property yourself.(pretty cool stuff if you dont own and work the land) None of us actually own land, there is nothing to own but some dirt and maybe trees. What we do own are a package of rights called a deed. When those rights are stripped or diluted, little is left and property is devalued. Maybe you can see my rationale now and understand why I am trying to come up with some palitable solution. I am passionate about landowners rights, and I will fight for yours too.
Thanks again for all your input.
"Win Win" ?? I think you meant ME ME Once again what about the regular joe he may be rich as YOU say we all are when we have so many other things in life other than money like YOU well old joe he grew up in Iowa and he has a few acres that was left to him .But due to other factors poor old joe (hes really rich because he has a wonderful family YOU told him that) had to move out of state to provide for his family and go to Missouri to find work. Good news joe!! The state of Iowa is now going to sell all the non resident landowners a tag !! Great Huh !! one catch though Its gonna cost a grand maybe more. What do you mean you cant afford that YOU are rich Lets say it again 180 ME-ME opps I meant "win win" Yea Right!!Once again I say this the residents of Iowa better find a way to band together to protect their rights or you and your children will not be able to enjoy the sport that we all love ....treetop
180- As soon as your deed is devalued, please give me a PM. I might be interested in taking it off your hands. Thanks,
Treetop.............Geeeeezzzzzzeeee Man……………Too much caffeine? Chill out. What is all this ME thing you keep harping on? Maybe I should just go ahead and reprimand myself for posting anything, before you find another excuse to lambaste someone you don’t even know anything about.
Ok, here goes……..I have no right to my opinion, if I don’t stop it right now, I may offend myself. I may even sue myself. My lawyer is much better than the one I have for me. What do I mean talking to me like that? I must have some nerve to make threats to me that I can’t back up. If I look at me like that again, I may come over there and slap the crap out of me! The more I think about it, I may kick my own a$$ before I finish writing this. I must be a self centered devil to let me get by with trying to stand up for what I believe in. Myself and I have had enough of me treating us this way. This verbal abuse has us upset and the inner child is crying out. Now I am so insecure that we may never hunt together again. I may have to go it alone. Now see what you’ve done…………. Sorry to steal your thunder, but I just had to give myself a piece of my mind.
We fight amongst ourselves every year regarding these Resident vs Non Resident issues and I will be the first to admit it does get old.

All I ask is keep an open mind and keep
it friendly.

Jdubs, I'm shutting this site down ... just kidding.
I do see your points.

180BC - thanks for your comments/suggestion because it's important for residents to see the "other view points". Also don't worry you can hunt your land every year.

Buy an antlerless tag - if you buy it during our shotgun season shoot a buck and have a resident friend tag it - in fact you can shoot as many bucks as you can find individuals with buck tags hunting with you. Remember "Party Hunting" is very legal
In fact there is a bill in the senate that proposes lifting the cap on the total NR antlerless tags given out so you can have your family and friends do the same.
Thanks onecam. We must all work together, even though we dont agree on all issues. The core values and goals are the same. There must be a hundred anti hunting sites on the internet. If we need to vent there are plenty of places to do it in a constructive manner. Good hunting.

Good points and I agree most come to IA to shoot a big buck, but I can honestly say I've hunted states that do not have the trophy rep just to get away, have a beer with buddies and maybe get a deer. OneCam, the site is great that's why I'm always here, really, I love you friggin' guys.
I think if you own more than 500 acres you should get at least ONE buck tag for sure. You're paying TAXES! You residents are too protective of these tags. When you say its too bad and that we should move over there, i think you're dead wrong. We're paying taxes on 700 acres in iowa. Why should some nonresident schmuck who doesnt own any land get the same preferenc as me? makes no sense. Maybe even make it earn a buck, i woudlnt have a problem with EAB. yes, there are too many deer in NE iowa whether you agree or not. There just is. I mean, my dad saw over 100 deer in one field in the middle of the day last week feeding outside of Monona. you can't tell me there isn't that many deer...
No caffienne here honest. Where would the line be drawn when deerslayer gets a tag with 500 acres and the next non resident who has 499 doesnt get one ? How would this be FAIR? The state of Iowa would really need a lawyer. There is no easy answer but this is a fair accessment .Once the state of Iowa lets any non resident landowner have a tag the ones who didnt get one are going to get a lawyer and say they should have one also . They will scream its not fair "CHANGE THE RULES" What about me? If they give one they are going to have to give it to all of them. So then they can just Buy 40 acres get a NR landowner tag and lease some more. You dont think that would happen ? Steal my thunder ?? I wont have to worry about the draw if that happens I wont need the non resident tag because I and the majority of the resident hunters wont have a place to hunt.You are right you can vent,sue or even kick yourself
. I dont think its gonna get you anywhere .... treetop
"You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time."

Whoever first made that statement was right on. I'm sure it was a politician, maybe even God.

"A house divided cannot stand." I'm not sure who said that.

"Can't we all just get along?" I KNOW that was Rodney King.

I'm going to the Shed Forum. It's the only place that everyone seems happy right now.
180bc, You state that you know the current system will change. You also state with almost certainty that the courts will allow unlimited nr tags. On both counts I would have to disagree. There is no precedent to base such unfounded statements. If you are referring to the court case in New Mexico you are comparing apples to oranges. The majority of that state is federal land owned by all US citizens. A VERY small percentage of Iowa is public. Sounds like if you are just in the sport for the hunt you should have bought the ground in Missouri as you eluded. You could hunt every year. Did you know the tag system when you bought ground? YES. Were you banking on the system changing soon? I believe so. You may have underestimated the lobby of our local farmers and hunters alike. We know that guaranteed tags for nr landowners would spell disaster. The vast majority of hunting ground would be bought up and leased up and you can ask anyone in Illinois about what that would do to our residents ability to enjoy what we know today to be one of our greatest resources. Fortunately our representatives listen to their constituents because WE CAN VOTE. Opening up nr landowner tags would be political suicide and they know it. Now, I dont want you to get the impression that I am against nr hunters. I definitely am not. I have hunted in several states and Canada myself. But, in some cases have had to enter lotteries and wait for preference points to get the tag and I have no problem with that. Why, because I would rather have a quality experience when I am fortunate enough to finally draw the tag. Good luck in this years draw. And good luck in the drawing for many years to come.
I think if you own more than 500 acres you should get at least ONE buck tag for sure. You're paying TAXES!

[/ QUOTE ]

If it were that simple, then hunting as we know it would not exist... only the rich would have the privilege to hunt, as they would own all the land. 99% of all the wealth in the US is in the hands of <1% of the people. Would you have 99 out of 100 hunters fight for public access, while the 1 hunts his 500 acres? Imagine the deer population on that 500 acres after a single season!
Very well said. We need to look to what has happened to our neighbors to the southwest (Kansas) and east (Illinois) to see what would happen if Pandora's box is opened.

I am also not against NR or NR landowners however, you know what you are getting into when you apply for a tag here or buy land here. I get tired of listening to threats of a lawsuit, this system needs to be changed and you people just don't know what you are doing, but you really are a nice bunch of people. It really gets old and is to the point of almost being comical. Everyone wants benefits without sacrifice and that isn't the way life is, at least not the way I was brought up. Now, I am not saying that Iowans are the only ones that sacrific. I live in this state, not because I have to, I want to. It isn't all because of the deer hunting. I like the people (most of em
), the rural landscape, the work ethic and pace of life here. For someone to tell me that something that I believe in, that I live for every day is wrong and needs to be changed, well, it doesn't sit well. I think that is what the majority of this issue is about and I will fight tooth and nail to keep things the way they are the same as anyone would do. Thank you.
Amen to that Limb!
Sorry I just couldn't help myself after saying that I was done with this topic. I just can't help myself because it is getting so commical. Well said Fletch! I'll go to war with you guys any day.


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