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Iowa Governors tags........

Why shouldn't all NR tags be auctioned? I still don't understand why prices aren't set to match demand. Nothing personal- just business, if demand exceeds supply, prices rise.
Let it go pharmer. We all have heard it from you before.

I'm fine with the ways things are now in IA, but I want you to remember your own idea the next time you plan on going out of state to hunt. It probably won't sound so great when you are on the other end of the stick!

If you like I can get you in on an Elk hunt on the White mountain apache tribe reservation in AZ for 30K (currently going to the highest bidders)!

Hope everyone has a good weekend in the timber.
no way all NR tags should be auctioned. the "common man" hunter is already being priced out of the sport. our current draw system is about as fair as it can be, although the state needs to be broken down into more NR zones, so hunting pressure is better distributed, and can be focused on herd management problem areas.

now, if the governors tags are going to stick around in their present form, THOSE should be auctioned off. since the "celebrities" that are doing iowa tourism this HUGE favor, and are also using footage from these hunt to make a large profit, then by all means, let them go to the highest bidder, with a igh percentage of the money going into a fund to purchase public hunting lands.
Give em to the kids like another poster suggested or something like that with "Make a Wish". I would rather seen some poor non-resident kid dying from cancer get a chance to shoot a big buck from out of state than see Bill Jordan etal' hunt Iowa and Kansas every year as a non-resident because of governor tags or landowner tags when it takes everyone else 2-3 years to get a tag through the normal application process.
Here's some more salt in the wound.

Bill Jordan got the Gov to issue a tag for him and his show. Somewhere out west, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, I don't know which, Jordan owns a 10,000 acre ranch that absolutely no one get's permission to hunt on. That's fine, it his, he can do what he wants with it. Plus he leases up ground in mant states for himself and/or his show.

Oh yeh, don't forget to buy his camo..........
the state needs to be broken down into more NR zones, so hunting pressure is better distributed, and can be focused on herd management problem areas.

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Teeroy- The NR hunters aren't here to shoot does. I don't see this pricing any common man out of the sport- they would just hunt as a resident.

but I'll pay what it takes to do what I want, if it costs too much, I won't.

So from now on everyone that thinks supply and demand shouldn't dictate price- are you going to stay warm this winter or refuse to buy heating oil because it shouldn't cost so much?
so, with our greedy legislature, you wouldn't fear some nonhunting uninformed congressman saying, "if the non residents are willing to do this to hunt iowa, lets have the residents to it too."?

and for the NR zones..there are some people that get a tag every other year, or even every year, and others that wait every 3 years. if the more zones were added, tag draw rates could lessen for some hunters...i suppose they could also increase for some. and, i believe that now, NRs that buy a tag, also are buying a doe tag. so if that equals a few hundred or more does taken, the better for the herd.
Supply and demand is a common marketing principle and works in many aspects of society; however it does not work well in terms of fish and game because they are a public resource and should never be for sale to the highest bidder.

That mentality lead to the situation in Europe where the commoners (you and me) no longer hunts and only the guys that are considered royalty get to go hunting.

Unfortunely I see more and more of this in todays hunting world. A good example is that Kansas gives half of the non-res tags to landowners and they auction these on the open market. Who gets these tags? It sure ain't me and probably most of the guys on this site.

Its bad for our sport and hunting as a whole.
Bo Jackson???? Huh....figured next time I heard or seen his name it would be on Celebrities, where are they now.

How in the world can you compare a basic utility and necessity of life, heat, to recreational deer hunting??? What DOR said....
Almost looks like a Block Commercial to me?? Hmmmm, if Rascal Flats singer(Lavox) can get a tag, then anyone can, right?

I think there are other ways to promote the hunting in Iowa(which is what the purpose of these tags are). Like others said, perhaps give them to recipients who are less fortunate or that have been on the waiting list for X amount of years. Awarding "celebreties" after their own good might not be the right thing here. Again, there are other ways to promote the state of Iowa and everyone in this deer hunting world ALREADY knows what Iowa has to offer. Since the state of Iowa turns down many thousands of NR applicants each season, does that not show that we already know Iowa has to offer?? It might be different if the Governors tags were used for deligates or vistors from another country....but giving them to celebreties that already get to hunt all over the country every year(and on tv) is not the right thing....in my book.
If were gonna just give tags to the celeb's that can't get them in the draw then why are we resricting the sale of them anyway?
I don't see Rackaddict?

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What's up with that anyway??

Maybe I should ask for one next year. Oops! Almost forgot I'm a nobody to the Gov. Can't afford to make any campaign contributions.

Who's Bo Jackson.
I have to agree with everybody on this deal. If the idea of the Gov tags are to promote hunting, then why continue it when we already have twice the applicants as available tags? Seems pretty pointless. I dont blame the clelebs, they arent doing anything we wouldnt do ourselves if given the opportunity. Who wouldnt jump on a tag offer like that?
But, its totally pointless to promote something that already sells out 2X over. I say give to the "make a wish" kids or auction them off for big money and buy public ground with the profit. 25 tags X, say, $5K each, = $125,000 a year. That should buy a nice chunk of public ground every year or two.
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