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Rage broadheads and Drury

I would agree that alot of it depends on the shot placement, poundage and angle of the shot. I have taken 5 deer the last 2 years with the snyper witch like someone else said is much like the rage. Infact it is the predisesor to the rage. The company that bought Barrie archery or part of it owns the Rage name also, or so I read. I only failed to have a complete pass through one time, and that is because I hit a big old doe in the sholder. She ran away with the knock buried in the entrance side and the rest of the arrow in her and hanging out the other side. I have now purchased the Rage 3 blade and feel very confident they will do as much or more damage as the 2 blade snypers.
OH, and MUDDY......... Wait till you shoot a PSE.... You Brother, only need to change your mind one more time!!

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Over the years I've owned/shot a Polaris, MachFlyte 4 & 5, and Quantum. Decent bows, but I'm happy where I'm at.
I really can't believe what I am hearing from some of these posts. Maybe I'm just getting too old, but for anyone that takes up archery to hunt whitetails and says they don't care if they have an exit hole or not seems crazy to me. Yes, shot placement is everything and we should all want passthru's on any game we target. Is this not common sense....also, I don't care how big the entrance hole, fat, tallow and insides can seal up a hole in a hurry. Rage broadheads have a great PR campaign going right now, their marketing company I'm sure gets paid quite well, but I'll still stick with my fixed blades, and not have to wonder.....just my opinion!
It seems that the Drury's and several other shows have really been talking up the Rage broadhead this year.But when you are putting deer on the ground in front of the camera and Rage is paying you to do it what would you do?It is like the old racing saying "Win on Sunday,Sell on Monday".So how many are buying by what they see on these DVD's and TV shows?
I'm confused... are we now saying that mechanical broadheads do not allow pass thru? Fixed blades are more "forgiving"?
I'm not "moral" if I shoot a mechanical? Wow... I guess I will stop reading this post now.
I do believe pass through is thee second most important thing. And I agree that everyone makes bad shots, but can you say that on a marginal shot 1 1/8 hole is better than a 2 in hole? I believe that mechanicals have come along way, and are a wonderful asset to Archery.
I shoot mechanicals, and have little to no pass through problems. I agree on lower poundages that Fixed are the way to go, but with today's bows most should have no trouble pushing anything through the vitals of a deer.

I am a drury dealer, and have watched most the videos, they shoot lower poundage bows and are shooting a lot of shots in the 30 plus range...Yardage makes a helluva difference in kentic energy.. And I don't even want to start on arrow weights they could possibly be shooting(that is for another thread if anyone cares to discuss that). But I also have seen many of the MONSTER BUCK videos(which is sponsored by MUZZY) and noticed that while some do, they are NOT all pass throughs either! Setup and placement are what it breaks down to!
Guys, if they aren't producing exit wounds, they most definatly won't be found in my quiver. I'm with Iabruce, I will be sticking with my fixed blade G5's. I don't change broadheads unless the ones I am using are not performing and so far I haven't had that problem.

I can't see changing broadheads to something that hasn't proven itself. Not getting pass thru's on a Drury DVD is proving to me that their must be better equipment offered on the market. Why would you buy the lesser quality equipment. Just because they get paid to use them doesn't mean it's worth purchasing. It probably means sales are down and they are trying new marketing stratigies.
I'm confused... are we now saying that mechanical broadheads do not allow pass thru? Fixed blades are more "forgiving"?
I'm not "moral" if I shoot a mechanical? Wow... I guess I will stop reading this post now.

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obviously you didnt read what i said....just jumping the gun
"FOR ME" its a moral choice, i have wounded and lost deer while using an expandable.....so For me! i wont use them.....
in all honesty, if you guys are consistent enough to hit the boiler room everytime, then continue to use what you are using...
i fall to pieces with deer in front of me, so i need every thing i can get that will help that deer go down in the shortest amount of time...
so i will use fixed blades....when in the event of a poor shot, the fixed will do more internal damage if i dont get a pass through....that is a fact
2 years ago I witnessed a bad shot with a rage 2 blade. Now some of you are worried about pass thru --Well this 1 shot put 5 yes 5 holes in a 140ist buck. Absolutly brutal blood trail and blood clot the size of wing dings. The shot went in the left ham, out the inside of the left ham, cut the bottom of his protective gear sack, in the inside of the right ham and passed through the outside of the right ham. Absolute truth.
I have had bad experiances with expandables--but that incodent convinced me that the rage head is a wicked tool in the expandable broadhead shooters arsenal. <font color="red"> </font> <font color="black"> </font> <font color="black"> </font>
Lets continue to keep this an IW quality thread. Civil debate is OK.

I'm not wanting to start a war here like most MECH VS FIXED threads typically turn into but for me the reason I have continued to shoot mechanical is the same as the below quote just insert mechanical where fixed is located.

"so i will use fixed blades....when in the event of a poor shot, the fixed will do more internal damage if i dont get a pass through....that is a fact"

although i'm not sure its a fact

With enough KE I will choose a bigger cutting diameter pass-thru or not.

While shooting stick bows during the 1st 15 years of my hunting career I rarely if ever achieved complete pass-thru's and it didn't seem to matter to much. Would I have preferred one, absolutley, but I tend to agree with ghost, placement is far more crucial.

It boils down to what you are comfortable with and if its a Rage and you have enough KE to shoot them, fine, but if you shoot a muzzy that is fine as well. I have never really understood the big broadhead debate in recent years. Its not like the mechanical heads are like the old puckett's bloodtrailers

I have pretty much shot them all with good results.

My experience (other than one time) being involved in 100's of blood trails is that when broadhead "failure" occurs, it is usaullly user error not the broadhead..my sermon is done now.
..when in the event of a poor shot, the fixed will do more internal damage if i dont get a pass through....that is a fact

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Not if it passes through!!!!

Sorry just stirring the bees with that cheap shot!! All in good fun!!!

I like this place because of the different opinions, it really makes you think! See I shoot Mechanicals for the same reason as stated above. If I make a marginly shot, I believe I get a little extra cut for blindly hoping for artries or vitals! Which leads back to my first statement which I will post in case somebody is good with metals and wants to make a FORTUNE..." Mechanical Broadheads whose blades lock open after deployment!!!"
I don't care how big the entrance hole is. Period. The exit hole is where you get your blood trail.
I feel sometimes that hunters are mislead or given false impressions through sales, advertising, broadhead tests and DVD"s of what their broadheads are capable of doing, on a consistant bases. This isn't just with mechanical heads, I believe it's true with all three types of heads(cut on impact, mechanicals &amp; replacement blade heads). Not picking on Muzzy, but their slogan is, "Bad to the Bone". Most experienced hunters can read between the lines, but that only means one thing to some of the younger hunters coming up through the trials and tribulations of hunting experiences in the near future.

I believe some cut on impact head shooters truely believe that they can shoot through practically anything. This sometimes can lead to taking a compromised shot. If a deer is quartering toward you and you try and take it through the shoulder/brisket for example. I know this can work but it's a low percentage shot and if he is quartering at you, sooner or later that deer will have to offer you a broadside or higher percenatage shot.

Some mechanical head shooters are under the impression that it's more like a shotgun, get it close to the vitals and let it fly, it cuts such a big hole that he will get that deer.

I guess is what I am trying to say is, know matter what broadhead you are shooting, don't let it dictate your shot or it's placement.
in hindsight.....which is always 20/20....
i should have kept my opinion to myself.
if it works for you.....keep using it.
what i use works for me and ill keep using it....
rather than casting judgment (myself included) lets remember we share a passion of whitetail hunting and what kind of broad head you use, based on the history here on IowaWhitetail, it doesnt really seem to matter....well placed shots are key, and practice is key to well placed shots
ill retract my statements from earlier and continue to look forward to this coming fall, and celebrating all of our combined success no matter what is on the end of your arrrow!!
Anyone Ever heard of Pissing in the Wind?

That is what is going on here.

We can all argue these points till the end of the world. Shoot what you want!!!
I personally am not selling any of these products for my own good.

I am shooting Rages this year.
I would like to have a pass through. (Not sure if I get it.)
I have shot Montecs for 3 years. Shot 3 deer with them and had 2 passthrough.
I am going to try Rages this year because some asked me to try them.
I'm Done!!!

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i like that.....

i may have to change my name...

THA-money (or cash) does have a nice ring to it.

Unintentianal, but pretty cool anyway. What is THA4 anyway?
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