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Rep. Paul Ryan VP?

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Sligh1, I hear your rebuttal and will call it a tie since US Marshalls and Nat Guard troops were used as well as local law. But you haven't answered the charge of the invasion of Iraq yet. I'm still waiting for someone to answer the Romney care comments from earlier too.
Any takers?

Ok- so let's even say somewhere in the neighborhood of, what, 1/2 of voters that voted for Bush even agreed with all the Iraq stuff, maybe??? I even do hear both sides of that.... There was no mass weapons of destruction VS multiple intelligence agencies all agreed there was and many prominent democrats voted to invade based on that intell as well. Then you get to- well, at least Sadam is out, a mass murderer & brutal dictator and at least these folks have some level of freedom now where they didn't before. I get all sides of that whole Iraq debate & obviously we could read books & write books on it. IRAQ BOTTOM LINE FOR THIS DISCUSSION.... This was BUSH that did this and that was, what, 10 years ago now?!?!?!? I don't think Bush is running, many major dems voted to do the same, it's been 10 years and there is clearly 2 sides to a huge & complex debate. This is OBAMA vs ROMNEY now, not Bush. Romney did not invade Iraq. Obama has invaded Libya, drone killed lots of terrorists, kept us in Afganistan, etc- did the whole Libya thing without congressional approval which at least Bush DID have that for Iraq. Which I'm not saying I disagree with some of what Obama has done on a few of those things either. Don't disagree with ALL of Obama's stuff & don't agree with all Bush's BUT I sure can't disagree with the invasions Romney has ordered because he hasn't ordered any.

HEALTH CARE..... I seriously couldn't find what you wrote. So- even if some folks disagreed with Romney-care, it was state only & no one said we they agree 100% with any candidate & past. I just say most folks are feeling- hey, in honesty, I agree with Romney on 70% of the issues and Obama on 7% of the issues. I really think that's the bottom line. Continued bottom line with Romney-care: this was the 1st trial, some would say it failed, some say some success- that's what states are for- EXPERIMENTS & state-rights. At least he was the 1st and Obama didn't seem to learn from any mistakes at a state level. Romney also had a, what, 75-85% democrat congress to deal with??? On the flip side, what did Obama do... He actually had a law folks did NOT want in overwhelming majority (vs Romney where most the STATE did want it & sure didn't push it on other states) & bribed people & played every dirty trick in the book to pass obamacare & shove down the throat of the folks that employee him and he works for - who overwhelmingly did not want it and continue to not want it. Why do you think 2010 brought such a huge defeat to the Liberal clowns? Bottom line #1000, Romney says he'll appeal Obamacare - I happen to believe him. Whether he gets enough in congress to get it done, no one knows BUT one of his main platform is repealing or doing anything he can with his office to repeal it and if he lied about that giant promise- he's obviously done- it's too big a promise to go back on. Anything I'm missing on the Romney-care of Mass vs the Obamacare national 1.5 trillion dollar disaster that has doubled in cost from CBO estimates & the country wants thrown out?

*Oh and hey, the title of this thread is RYAN for VP or whatever. Care to make any comparison of Paul Ryan to Joe Biden?!?!?! :)
**of the 2 candidates & how it pertains to hunting, folks on this site, etc - which candidate you think would have a problem with folks on here "clinging to their guns, bibles & religion"???
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Sweet, the blame Bush card had been played!!!

I think Bush took a hard left his second term and hooked up with the liberal congress. Remember they had full control in 2006.

Now that being said let's all (both sides) start taking responsibility for what has been done to this country and stop blaming others.

Romney isn't Bush and oh yea Obama is Carter.
IMO, President Bush did one heck of a job considering what he had to deal with, IE, 9-11. If Obama had been in charge then, he would of had surrender papers signed before the towers collapsed.
What's amazing is how obama blames Bush for everything unless it suddenly becomes convenient for him to take credit.

Back to the original post.......With Romney's strong business sense and Ryan being a math wizard with strong political experience, they should be able to come up with some good plans for this country.
No matter what though, whether you are for Romney or obama, get out there and vote!!! It's an embarassment every election to see what a low percentage of our citizens vote!:( If you don't vote you're part of the problem, not the solution!
I thought Bush was a great president, he was a leader, and stood by his principals, he had 7 very good years in office, one bad year (2008) when the housing market crashed, which led to a stock market crash. This could very easily happen again, not all the fault of the president.

Also the housing market crash was due to a combination of republicans and democrats who pushed for affordable housing for low income and minorities (no money down loans/interest only loans) Barney Frank, Charles Schumer and N Pelosi all thought it was a great idea.
Bottom line just like Mitt said, if your happy with our economy and like what direction we are headed by all means go vote for Obama.
Now I think I could pry say with confidence that I will stand in line and let all of the people that are happy with our economy drop kick me in the nuts and be ok with it.
All of you making excuses and blaming BUSH can go jump off a cliff, I am so tired of people pointing fingers and making excuses. That's what has put this country in the place we are now. Own up to FAILED Policies and Failed Budgets and a Failed Economy. I don't understand how people can sit by and actually believe that things will or can get better with another four years of this.
Why is it that everyone thinks that Mitt is bad because he is wealthy? God forbid that we have someone with extreme success in building business and jobs in the private sector run our country? Cause our career politician that we have now is sure getting it done huh? Food for thought....Successful corporations and companies expand and employ lots and lots of middle class Americans. Last time I checked more government regulations and companies closing the doors under the Obama campaign sure the hell is not helping the middle class, its making the lower class and welfare recipients larger creating an even larger problem for the future. I was raised to be taught that hard work and determination is what allows people to succeed in life. Why are we punishing Mitt for having success and being a wealthy person?? Bottom line is there is literally no one better to break the government down and make this work just like he has done for years and years. Oh and not to mention looking back in every situation that is similar to this one has been fixed by doing EXACTLY what Romney and Ryan are wanting to do. There is a reason we all had to take history and government to graduate from school, to educate us for times just like this.
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I hate to bring this up (not really cause I love making fun of dubya) but if we're going to talk about who knew what and people dying, shouldn't we talk about the republicans reasoning for invading Iraq? And NO, because Sadam was a bad guy is not a valid reason. Too many bad guys far more desrving of the noose than him still around and we don't talk about invading their country. Oh and has anybody looked up when the law came to louisana after Katrina and confiscated peoples guns? Again, republicans in office. If your unfamiliar with that one just google "katrina guns confiscation". Now I know the republicans would just as soon forget they ever backed that guy but they did and now they're tellin me "trust us..." again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
Just sayin

Poor Obama. If he wins this November, look at the mess he is going to inherit. :D
I don't care if your independent, Democrat, or Republican, if you think Obama has done a good job this far, please let me know what he has done that is good and what he is currently doing that is good, so I won't dislike him so much.

Fill me in on the facts that he has done, and is going to continue to do a good job, and heck I'll even vote for him.

Everytime I have asked that question, and I mean EVERYTIME, the people I talk to always go back to Bush and tell me what a horrible president he was.............

Why has no one answered me?
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You know every one blames Obama and bush or any president for how bad our economy, has any one looked in the mirror, when was the last time YOU bought and American made pair of jeans or shirt or gun. Every one that bitches about our economy should never bitch if you keep buying stuff from china because its a few dollars cheaper. How about we stop blaming the president when we can change alot ourselves.
Someone summed it up well above. If your sitting around crying in your Cheerios waiting for the government to step in and help your misfortunes then regardless of who wins this election your gonna have problems. In my opinion we all have to look in the mirror and realize its time to pull the hand back and quit looking for handouts. Rich or poor we have all developed a habit of milking the government. Whether its paying a high dollar CPA to do your taxes(finding loopholes), farm subsidies, food stamps, off shore accounts, Medicare, ss, state pension loopholes........this list goes on. I believe the way our government has been run the last few decades has conditioned us all to see how much we can get and we're willing to elect anyone that promises us more. I am as guilty as the next guy. I have grown up though now and realize we're on an unsustainable path and the only way to fix the problems will be through great leadership. Leadership that we haven't got in many, many years and it's gonna have to come from the top down. We're all gonna have to feel some pain to dig out of this hole. Trillions of dollars doesnt get paid back by 1% alone it's gonna take some pain by everyone. I believe paul ryan is the closest thing to what I consider a true leader in politics that I have seen in my lifetime. He's a problem solver and seems to have the knack to bring people together instead of dividing everyone into an us vs. them mentality. I am sick of the same old song and dance in Washington and I look forward to seeing someone come in a clean the mess up. You show me a reasonable path to solving our problems and keeping this country the greatest that ever existed and I will gladly pay more or do whatever it takes to help out. No way can I feel good about giving more before any of our real issues have even been solved. Throwing good money at a bad cause doesnt make sense regardless what tax bracket your in. Sorry for the rant but now that I have several kids I start thinking more and more about these types of problems and what type of life were gonna pass to them if these things don't get hashed out.

I would say it would be hard to find someone on here that doesn't own some Carhartt clothing and if someone destroys the U.S. gun market and jobs, I doubt it will the American consumer. I think you can track most of the job losses back to NAFTA.
You know every one blames Obama and bush or any president for how bad our economy, has any one looked in the mirror, when was the last time YOU bought and American made pair of jeans or shirt or gun. Every one that bitches about our economy should never bitch if you keep buying stuff from china because its a few dollars cheaper. How about we stop blaming the president when we can change alot ourselves.

Good point, a year and half ago I was going to buy a hunting knife for one of my boys and it was hard to find one that wasn't made in China. I did eventually find one, but only after looking at about 10 other foreign made models. I also make a point of buying any tools from American made suppliers, but that is also getting harder.

So I agree with you there quite a bit, but while Romney isn't the ideal candidate in my mind, a bullfrog would make a better president than what we what we have currently. I don't hate the man, I don't care what color his skin is or any of that jazz. But I do know that this country is on a terrible course, particularly as it relates to worse and worse deficit spending, and the Romney/Ryan ticket, while not ideal, is incredibly better than the Obama/Biden ticket on this front.

So this an easy choice, if not a perfect one.
Thinkin Rut said:
I would say it would be hard to find someone on here that doesn't own some Carhartt clothing and if someone destroys the U.S. gun market and jobs, I doubt it will the American consumer. I think you can track most of the job losses back to NAFTA.

Thats fine and all but half of carhartts and redwing boots are now being made over seas. You really have to look at what you are buying. All to save a buck.
You know every one blames Obama and bush or any president for how bad our economy, has any one looked in the mirror, when was the last time YOU bought and American made pair of jeans or shirt or gun. Every one that bitches about our economy should never bitch if you keep buying stuff from china because its a few dollars cheaper. How about we stop blaming the president when we can change alot ourselves.

I try like HECK to buy everything that I can American made. Most of the time, I can find someone local or within the state that will make what I need.

Heck, I even have shovelbuck make my knives, and he does a great job at it.

I'm sure some of the shirts I wear and jeans I wear are made from foreign countries, but it is getting harder and harder to find things that are 100% American made. So I do the best I can.
We have a black Islamic socialist/comunist runing this country. How in gods name did we get to this point. ROMNEY/RYAN
We have a black Islamic socialist/comunist runing this country. How in gods name did we get to this point. ROMNEY/RYAN
The answer to your question is....DEMOCRACY.
But just so I'm clear in my view that you're a complete dumb***, are you saying the color of a persons skin would affect their ability to run a country?
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