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what the he**?

So nanny if what you are saying is true about Clinton he took over when things were good and he had it easy then the same can be said about Obama he took over when things where heading down hill and they were in a hurry. So if Clinton's success was from the previous president then Obama's "fail" if from his previous president right?
So nanny if what you are saying is true about Clinton he took over when things were good and he had it easy then the same can be said about Obama he took over when things where heading down hill and they were in a hurry. So if Clinton's success was from the previous president then Obama's "fail" if from his previous president right?

I agree. Things were not going on the up hill swing. But my gosh, he has done nothing but drive it down Down DOWN since he has been there.

I'll agree that Clinton was a good president as well. I am not a Democrat, nor a Republican, I tend to go with the person that I see fit for the position. I tend to side a little more with Republicans, than Democrats, but they have their good idea's as well.

I will whole heartily vote for Obama if someone can give me cold hard facts on what he has done that is positive in the last 4 years. He has spent more money than any President, shut down countless coal mines, and rather people want to agree with it or not, that is our best source of energy, not wind. So I am all ears.

I also am interested in why everyone thinks Romney is all for the rich, you think all of Obama supporters are poor? Look at all the people who hosted parties for him. They are all in the 1%, as is Obama and all of his administration. Tell me how many budgets he has set in the last 4 years, and how many budgets he has worked on when he was a Senator of IL. Tell me why all people he was involved with in IL had charges of fraud and he didn't. Tell me why every time something happens he use's presidential powers and seals the documents. Tell me what he has voted on while he was a senator in IL that you agree with and supported. What has he done as a President that makes you feel proud to be an American?

If you vote for Obama because your a Democrat, your an idiot. He is not a Democrat, nor does he stand for anything that the Democratic party or Republican party does.

If you vote for Obama because you think he is the right candidate, I will shake your hand, it is your choice as an American.

If you vote for Obama because you don't like Romney, your an idiot. There are other options out there, and it may be time for America to stand up and let the D and R party know that there is.
Ask a Republican why they want to vote for Romney....they will give you many reasons.

Ask a Democrat why they want to vote for Obama...they will give you a blank stare and say just because.

That's all I really need to say....
Easy to point out flaws of someone who has been in office. Dont know Jack about Romney or what his record might be. You guys have changed my vote. Im voting for Romney and waiting for him to be the worst president yet. Has Obama made things better? Maybe not but wait until Romney takes over!

Republicans are in denial.... At least I can admit Dems have screwed up. You people are HOPING Romney is the answer just like we were all hoping Obama would be the answer.

Just like every other lazy lib out there. There is plenty to prove he has a great business, economic, bipartisan, education record that far out qualifies him over Obama. He was gov of a state, you did know that right?? Stop being lazy and throwing out pointless emotional attacks and do some research on who has a better record. I swear I think people should have to pass some sort of test before they are allowed to vote anymore. Its like that lady they interviewed at the State Fair when Obama came to visit. Why are you voting for Obama...."because he is so so handsome, oh and he smells great too" Are you friggin KIDDING ME????
So nanny if what you are saying is true about Clinton he took over when things were good and he had it easy then the same can be said about Obama he took over when things where heading down hill and they were in a hurry. So if Clinton's success was from the previous president then Obama's "fail" if from his previous president right?

Your an idiot.
When Obama took things over u say things were going down hill, (you say)
Are they going up hill now? Getting better? Lower National Debt? NOOOOO!
Key principals Obama stands for and you should not.
Gay marriage
Big Government

Pretty Simple stuff here that you should be concentrated on opposing, Im not talking about little stuff here.
I believe republicans controlled congress the last six years of Clinton and we all know what consequences that total control can have by what happened the first two of Obama.
All of you Clinton supporters think that Obama is taking all this advice from him huh?? What was the one statement made by Clinton at your convention? To balance a budget you only need to use....Arithmatic. How in the hell does a negative 6 trillion dollars compute out with that theory? Must have had his calculator upside down or something.

Just like nanny said. Remove all party affiliation for one minute and simply look at their records in economics. Who wins?? Then look at which man has proved he is able to get things done in cooperation with the opposite party. Who wins??

Now if you think that there is some issue that is larger than the failure of the American Economy and our dollar being worthless then by all means vote for Obama if he suits that other issue better. However, Think about what is going to happen to that issue when all hell breaks loose when this economy crumbles and people litterally have to fend for themselves. I promise you that your "emotions" might be in a different place when that day comes. Then you can hope all you want cause its all your going to have.
Dude nothing you've ever said has made any sense. All you ever say is that Romney is only appealing to the wealthy and the wealthy are A holes...you must be Union. A couple of my buddies growing up had dads who were Union and they would just rip on people who were successful like it was sinful.
Regrettably this whole issue falls back on us, the voters. When the 2008 election came around, the majority voted for the man who promised to give them the most. Obama wins that war 9 times out of 10. He won by smooth talking and great promises. He was the wrong guy for the job, but still got it because we have a country full of extremely selfish people who thought they could personally get more with him in office. I guarantee you there are people (and lots of them) who could care less about the future of the U.S. and are only going to vote for the candidate that will help them the most. Thankfully, I believe there are also a lot of people who voted for Obama in 08 that are not in it strictly for themselves and will turn their vote away due to the mess he's made.

As far as I'm concerned, as a hard working tax paying MIDDLE CLASS citizen I am not entirely against a middle class tax bump if that is what it is going to take to get this country on track. This is OUR country, not the governments country. If it got messed up, then WE need to fix it. One person isn't going to make it happen. Well why would I want to fix something that someone else messed up? I agree and it sucks, but that mentality won't get it fixed. I know a simple tax bump won't fix everything, and the government needs to make appropriate budget cuts anyway, but the point I'm trying to make is WE THE PEOPLE are driving this nation into the craphole just as much as the government. It's hard to look at the future when you are only focused on the present.
Nicely put. Stick the blame where it belongs. We the people. We let this happen to our country.
I for one believe with all my heart that we could fix a lot of these problems if we outlawed lobbying and lobbyists. Besides at election time, when do you see your representatives? How come? Are lobbyists taking up all of their time? Wouldn't we be better served if they had to come face to face with us on much more regular basis? How many of you can name the last 5 (or even 3?) things that got voted on in Washington that would affect the budget? How many of you know how your representatives voted on those issues? I bring this up because I don't care what kind of promises the presidential candidates make, I know they can't fix (or make worse) the situation by themselves. Or even with one or two of their buddies.
I would much rather entertain ideas on how to get rid of lobbyists than fight over political party mascots. Any takers?

You actually think he gave that 20% out of the kindness of his heart. LMAO. Thats called publicity.

papajess: You need to do some research on Romney, he has an incredible record of giving. He does not and should not feel guilty for having a net worth of $250 million or more. He gives plenty away every year as all multi-millionaires do, he would make Iowa flush with cash as he would reduce tax rates on capital gains/dividends/death taxes.

On the contrary, Obama ridicules the wealthy to create a class warfare in the US, which is in his ultimate plan to reduce the US on a global scale. Check out 2016 and it will give you play by play his ultimate goal, in other words he is not working for you, but against you!!
papajess: You need to do some research on Romney, he has an incredible record of giving. He does not and should not feel guilty for having a net worth of $250 million or more. He gives plenty away every year as all multi-millionaires do, he would make Iowa flush with cash as he would reduce tax rates on capital gains/dividends/death taxes.

On the contrary, Obama ridicules the wealthy to create a class warfare in the US, which is in his ultimate plan to reduce the US on a global scale. Check out 2016 and it will give you play by play his ultimate goal, in other words he is not working for you, but against you!!
Anybody here remember Bush number one? What was that he was peddling, a "new world order?" Just sayin...
Originally Posted by Hardwood11
On the contrary, Obama ridicules the wealthy to create a class warfare in the US, which is in his ultimate plan to reduce the US on a global scale. Check out 2016 and it will give you play by play his ultimate goal, in other words he is not working for you, but against you!!

1)This question is for Hardwood11 "why would a person want to degrade or weaken the country in which they live?" Their kids and family will have to live here as well you know.
2)We cannot afford to be isolationists (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/isolationism) When you talk about the US on a global scale you have to take into consideration everything thats going on. You shouldn't trash talk a pres. for doing something on a global scale if you don't know what is being gained.
I brought up the NWO thing simply to point out that Obama/the Democrats are not the only ones with global agendas. Both parties are playin' that game. You'd be foolish to think otherwise.
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Global agendas to some position are a must, but its how we fit into that global economy that matters. With our economy in its current state, in a global disection we suck, and that therefore makes it harder for the economy to grow and expand. You first have to fix the current situation and bring back the value of the American dollar, then and only then, will our global position/agenda have any merit or meaning. In the Bush erra we were the dominant force in several ways in the global economy. I am sorry to bring this to your attention, but we are no where close to that position now. You must first fix whats broken before you can expand/prosper, and barrowing more money from China to pay our debts with interest due to an ever expanding government, growing poverty rates, and record unemployment is not the answer.
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