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'Years Of Giants'- A Look Back

I guess to be honest, gripping about the commercialization of the industry and turning around and buying ANYTHING hunting related seems very hypocritical. Perhaps thats my opinion and maybe you disagree, but prove me wrong. I'm open minded...

Thomas I guess when we talk commercialization I personally do not like to watch a 30 min. segment on TV where 15 min. of it is somebody trying to sell something. So to me buying something has nothing to do with it.
I also laugh at some of these products because I know they are junk and will not work anyway. I watch a show to learn and enjoy. Not to be infomercialized.

"{What's worse, is these people who complain about commercialization of "Their Passion" are quick to criticize anyone who chooses to take the risk and invest in the industry professionally. I find this just sad...}"

I have no problem with the risk / reward scenario whatsoever. It is amazing what lengths a person will go to to turn a buck though.

"{Some also claim the industry is to blame for declining land access...} "

Between a big buck behind every tree in Iowa scenarios and people wanting to invest their money somewhere it is somewhat to blame for the dwindling access, but not all.

"{Some of you hate the Drurys, or Waddell, or whoever, but I am willing to bet any amount of money that if you actually got to know them and left jealousy out of it, you would find that a very strong majority of these hunters are good ethical people that are interested in helping others become better hunters... Why is that so wrong?}"

Met Mark Drury once when I first started turkey hunting. My first impression of him was not very good. So I do not follow anything they sell or produce. Also met Eddie Salter. Regardless to say I did not buy the squealing hen call either. No jealousy here Thomas. They had there chance to impress and blew it.

I will buy Primos items though because I think he is a pretty genuine person and has worked his way up.

"{Is it wrong to choose to hunt a mature buck over a younger deer?}"

It definitely is up to the person. I myself have shot a few button bucks in my life and watched my kids shoot fork horns.

Just a few comparisons Thomas. Can't really say I am right nor can you

say you are right just differing viewpoints. Another person's may be different all together.

That is what an internet forum is about I thought. :way:
After reading through every post I will have to agree to disagree with you on this one Dedgeez.

Just because Cooter has a different opinion doesn't mean he is bitching.

I actually see both sides to the argument. I hate the commercialization of it, but I can guarantee you it is not because I am jealous or don't work for what I want.

As long as Cooter is being respectful he does have an opinion. Does not mean he is wrong or a bad guy.

BTW - Nice pictures Chris. If you decide to share on IW Thank you and I look forward to seeing them in the future.
If not good luck pursuing what you are working hard for.

FWIW, I don't have the time to reread every post, but I too think that some are over reacting to Cooter's statements. I like it when someone has a different opinion than mine, as long as everybody maintains a level of respect in expressing them. (Which I think he has done.)

It's OK that some have different ideas and opinions. I think this heat and lack of rain is getting to us. :D
-_- Wow, forum rage on Chris's thread. Let's watch and see where this goes...

Do you guys just all hate each other or what? I know some of you guys don't like me but jeez. Some of you are acting more immature than the high school girls at my school.
At the end of the day, does what happens on IW really make a difference? No. Not at all. We are all blessed with wonderful families, and are fortunate to live in the USA! Happy 4th of July everyone. For the first time in years, I don't have to work! Being a Park Ranger, having a holiday off during camping season is rare. I promise, I'll have an ice cold beverage for all of you. Cheers! :drink1: Oh, and Cooter, that goes to you too! :way:
At the end of the day, does what happens on IW really make a difference? No. Not at all. We are all blessed with wonderful families, and are fortunate to live in the USA! Happy 4th of July everyone.

Best post of the thread (short of big deer pictures to start it :D). :way::way::way:
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Internet hugs everyone :D

Encouraging to see a disputed topic handled respectfully in the end. Happy 4th everybody! Stay cool! :drink2:
:D Happy ending. Chris, you are a heck of a guy. Thanks for your contribution to making IW better. Happy 4th everybody.
At the end of the day, does what happens on IW really make a difference? No. Not at all. We are all blessed with wonderful families, and are fortunate to live in the USA! Happy 4th of July everyone. :way:

Nice job Chris. You are correct at the end of the day we still have

a lot to be thankful for beyond IW. Hope you have a great 4th along

with everyone else on IW. :way:
Some very interesting views no doubt. SureShot keep up the good work man. I truly enjoy all you have shared with IW. Respect is key after reading all these posts. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. Thanks to all my IW friends enjoy the 4th.
:drink2:thanks for sharing, great pics and great deer, this is the stuff i come here to read and look at, good job.
Kind of what I was wondering, but at least the thread can be done now. The great one has spoken and added oh so much to it.

All I meant is that it just got off track and then kept going off track.
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