Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

the name game!

My name is because I shoot a Fred Bear Team Realtree Extreme.............and absolutely LOVE it...........Great bow for half the cost of a Mathews or Hoyt.......
They call me The Hood because I have been lucky enough to win a lot of archery tournaments,,just won the State indoor for the 5th year straight and all their know me as the Hood,,Go Figure

I also go by Hood-lum, HoodStir and RobbyHood
Here's how I came up with my name -- and I have video to prove it!

I was out hunting with in October 1999 with OneCam and Bowman. Bowman decided that he would video for me that morning. Bowman was sitting a little higher that headlevel (no comments Wayne, please) and off to the side. We hadn't seen a thing all morning and it was about time to call it a morning. As we all do, I was wanting to stretch my legs after sitting for so long. I am VERY afraid of hieghts but had just begun to have total faith in my safety strap (the cheap, flat, plastic buckle kind. Standing up at the edge of my stand, I leaned forward a bit to where the strap went tight and kept me from going any further. Strecthing my legs straight, Bowman looks at me and says, "What are you doing -- testing your safety strap?" I shrugged. I can still remember the sound as if it were yesterday. It was no sooner than I had shrugged that I heard ZZZZZZZIP! -- and over the edge I went. Luckily, Bowman had lightening speed reflexes. I'm not even sure I had hit the ground before he had his video camera on! I'm sure Bowman would have asked if I was okay but he couldn't breath while laughing so hard! I'll have to admit, I was laughing a bit too until things really started to hurt. I had broken three different bones - luckily in my foot only. Bowman and OneCam had to carry me out of the woods and drive me to the emergency room. There's more to the story in the emergency room, but that can wait for another time.

Anyway, that's why I am the "Fall Guy"

(All in good fun, Bowman!
I have explained earlier that my name comes from a road that passes near several of my favorite deer hunting spots. I also mentioned that my wife thought Ironwood had a different meaning and she gave me a little grief over it. Well this passed weekend I received an e-mail from some porn site and she suggested my screen name here was the source of my troubles with those unwanted messages. They just look at that screen name and figure I am the guy to talk to.
"MIGHTY HUNTER" While I was at home growing up my parents called me the "MIGHTY HUNTER" because hunting is an addiction and I am addicted. Hunting is all I did, or should I say do.
I grew up on the local rivers and back waters. If it's got water around it, that's where I'd rather be. "River Bottom Boy" is the name I dubbed my hardest hunted recurve.
I was going to get into this one but what the hay. At the time I live near Bedford and by the lake, thus blake..........
Mines pretty simple too. Im from Illinois (ILL) and love to hunt bucks. I am a male too thus the buck. I have been confused for a sick buck before but its just that Im from ILL.
I work for a Water Company in Connecticut. I have been hunting Iowa on a friends farm for the past 4 years. You Iowans are surely blessed.
Chose my name because I shoot traditional bows, and it kind of sounded like it fit.
Hi there everyone, I'm brand new but love to browse this site, anyway my name comes from my weapons of choice, I hunt deer with a Damon Howatt recurve and a Thompson Center Hawken, .50 cal.
If I'm not in the stand I'm in the duckblind. We have an informal "duckclub" named Cloaca Duck Club. A Cloaca is an anatomical part of a duck that, how should I say, releases certain fluids. In the duckblind we try to get the ducks in so close you can "shoot their cloaca off".
Ive been called buck because of my love to hunt whitetails and all critters in general. Im a cop in a North Detroit suburb and I got the 00 in addition to it because I often lead drug raids with a shotgun with loaded with 00buck>
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